All women island?

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Yawning and stretching, Lucy sleepily rubbed her eyes, and lazily blinked at the trees around her.

She slowly looked around, and finally, yesterdays event slapped her on the face.

Frowning, she sighed. and got up, the campfire long gone. Lucy thought

'Okay, first things first, we need to find civilization'

Determined, Lucy continued her roaming, feeling the dirt on her body. Oh how she longed for a hot bath. She thought about her next step, after finding human beings and all. She decided that calling Grandpa Crux is the best choice for now, he could definitely tell her where she was. There's nothing grandpa crux doesn't know! Feeling comforted by that idea. Lucy pressed forward.

After another hour or so of aimless walking, Lucy found people, "yes! Humans!" Lucy rejoiced, as she ran to them.

"Hey! Over here!" Lucy called out, one hand cupped around her mouth while the other cheerfully waved in the air to catch their attention. She gasped when suddenly an arrow shot past her. Freezing, she gulped as she started to sweat bullets.

"Stand back!" The offenders shouted. Causing Lucy to nod fiercely. Mentally crying at this situation.

They slowly surrounded her, weapons still up, ready to shot if need to. Yet one of them relaxed and lowered her bow.

"It's okay girls, it's a woman" all the others, (which she noted were all women) lowered their bows and relaxed as well. Lucy couldn't decide if she should be happy they didn't kill her, or offended that they didn't realize she was a woman.

"He-hey" Lucy started nervously. They just nodded at her, as if reassuring her that they won't attack. She gulped, "Um, I'm Lucy, I got washed up on the shore, and I was hoping you could help me..?" She said hesitantly. But relaxed as she saw them smile, one of the girls stepped up to her with a smile.

"I'm Clover!" Her brown hair bouncing, she shuffled from foot to foot. She excitedly introduced herself, before turning to her friends,

"This is Umi!" She pointed to a girl with striking purple eyes, and flowy brown hair. Umi gave Lucy a kind smile, which Lucy returned.

Clovers finger shifted to a girl that has quite the body build, With curly blonde hair, and abs. Lucy admired her six packs for a second. Before she realized she was staring. "Annnd this is silk!"

She turned to Lucy again,

"So, you said you needed help?"

Time skip~

"-And she's soooooo pretty! Like, she's the most beautiful woman on earth!" As Clover babbled on and on about a beautiful woman called Boa Hancock. Lucy thought back on what Clover said.

"This is an island where only women live in! Any man who steps foot into this island will be eliminated!"

Oh jeez, what kind of place did she end up in?

Lucy shuddered as Clovers snake wrapped around her. She froze. Clover laughed at her,

"Don't worry, he likes you!"

Oh wow that makes me feel a lot better, Lucy was about to say, but instead just gave clover a shaky smile.

"So I never asked, but where did you come from? You're not from this island are you?" Clover eyed Lucy's clothes for a second.

"Yeah, I came from Fiore" She informed, hoping the snake would get off of her. Instead, he made himself comfortable under her breasts. 'You little-'

She noticed Clover stopping, staring at her confusedly.

"Fiore?" Umi suddenly spoke up, her brows furrowed and her face was thoughtful, "Never heard of it," Umi shook her head, and Lucy gave a small laugh.

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