Chapter 9: Not The Party Type

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•Trish's POV•

We got out of the car and went into the house, everyone was wishing Kadine a happy birthday.. I saw Jay in the kitchen pouring out some liquor for himself.. He was wearing an orange pants and light orange dress shirt and he looked a little stressed out..

"Hola bro!" I shouted over the loud music.. Don't ask, I don't know what song, as mom would say, I'm behind time..

"Hey lil sis.." He said as he pet my head..

"I'm not a dog Jay.." I stated, although I liked it..

"No you're more like a fox person.."

"Anywho rat, why do you look like hell??" I asked hugging him..

"Because Kadine's parents left me in charge of their house and of you guys.. In other words, I'm babysitting your asses.."

I giggled as I stepped back a bit, "And its our last week before we gotta go to college.." He stated..


"Yeah college, you know that place were young adults go after leaving high school to further their education.." I paused for a few..

I forgot about that.. I was so caught up, I completely forgot that summer was over.. "College huh??"

"Yes Trish, college. Do you need me to draw a picture, or better yet, Google it for you??"

"I know what's a college Jay.. I just kinda forgot about school, you know?" I stated..

"Forgot?? How could you forget??"

"I don't know, I guess I was enjoying my free time.."

"In that case, continue enjoying it, don't start stressing about it until tomorrow.. OK?" He smiled warmly, he looked so much like dad..

"OK, I will.." I smiled back..

"Oh yeah! Prince Charming's hair cut is here.." He pointed at the entrance of the kitchen.. Grant stood there looking innocent.. He signaled me to follow him, so I excused myself and went upstairs to Kadine's room..

"OK, in a empty room with my ex lover, doors lock, and not much sound can escape this room.. This is not weird at all.." Sarcasm, doing wonders for people since, when ever it was created..

"I just want to talk Trish.." He sighed..

"About??" We sat on Kadine's bed..

"About us.. You know you miss me, maybe even more than I miss you.."

"Hahaha! Very funny, you should be a damn comedian.."

"I'm not joking Trish, just hear me out."

"Fine, then talk.. And don't be cocky.."

"OK, I miss you, I want you back, I love you and I realize I'm nothing without you.." He went down on one knee.. Oh shit!! He took out a silver ring, nothing special, literally, its just a plain silver ring..

"Will you marry me??" He's eyes filled with hope.. Shit, I never learned to say no, its like I was made to make everyone happy but me..

"I - I.." I paused, knowing I can't say no.. I'm too weak, I think about others feelings and never think about my own.. I mean yeah, I can say no at times, but never to the people I care about..

"She can't! I won't allow it! No one and I mean no one will be marrying my sister.." Jay opened the door, march in and said..

"Not now at least, because eventually I gotta get married to Nick.." I corrected him..

"Nick!" Grant and Jay shouted angrily..

"Yes Nick.. He's my boyfriend and my future.." I said in a fan girl mood..

"No, you can't be with Nick.. We've been together for three years! Do you want to just throw that away?" Grant got up and held my hands as he pulled me into a hug..

"Well I have no problem with you throwing away three years with this dumb ass, I just don't want you to grow up, not now.." Jay said, hitting Grant in the head and pulling me away from him..

"Oh for the love of god.. I can handle myself.." I said pulling away from them both and walking out to the wild drunk crowd and the toxic smell of alcohol that fill the house..
I was ready to go home and it wasn't even ten o'clock yet..

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the backyard, no one much was there..
"You OK princess??" Nick asked as he hugged me tightly.. My face buried in his chest..

"Can't breathe!!" I manage to say.. He pulled away, holding my arms and looking at me like I was the most delicious cheesecake ever..

"Are you thinking about cheesecake??" He asked..

"Umm, yeah how did you know that??"

"Because you always bite you top lip when you think about it.." He rolled his eyes..

"But suppose I was thinking about something else?"

"Something like??" He dropped his arms..

"Like, you know?"

"No, I don't.."

"Then you don't know me.." I rolled my eyes.

"If you were thinking anything sexual, I assume.. You tend to bite your bottom lip in a seductive manner.." I looked in his eyes, surprised he knew that.. I mean Grant didn't even knew I like cheesecake..

Damn those eyes of his. I started checking him all out and may I say just the sight of him makes me hot.. "Like that.. You're biting your bottom lip right now as you eye rape me.." I giggled..

"I didn't even remember you were here.." I said smoothly..

"Right, in the case let me remind you.." He pushed me back on the wall, kissing me as he's hands travel from my cheek to my waist..

"Get a room! Or rather yet a new partner.." Someone said.. I parted from Nick to see Amanda standing there..

"Hey?" I intended to greet but it come out more like a question..

"Ummm, hi.." She said annoyed..

"Well now, bye!" I said before throwing my arms around Nick's neck crashing my lips on to his.. I heard her let out frustrated sound, so just to annoy her more I had my hand running down his chest and my right hand playing in his hair.. Soon she was gone making loud footsteps so we could know..

I pulled away and looked around, the few people there were too drunk to even notice anything.. I looked up at Nick whom was smiling like an idiot..

"Damn you're amazing!" He kissed me again.. I guess parties aren't so bad after all..

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