Chapter 6: Just End Already!

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•Trish's POV•

The drive to the hospital was awkwardly silent.. Finally we pulled up in the parking lot and I was the first to exit the car.. I raced inside the large building, there was a lot of sick people in sight... I ran to the front desk where a red hair matured woman was seated..

"Amanda Rose.." I tried saying calmly, but worried took a whole of my voice..

She searched her computer before looking up.. Her lipstick was as red as her hair and she looked a bit stress I guess.. "Second floor honey, Room 12.." She smiled..

"Thank you!" I shouted as I ran upstairs.. I started checking the doors as soon as I was on the second floor.. I saw my friends standing by the door marked '12.'

"How?? How did you guys reach here??" I asked looking mainly at Kadine since the boys were laughing for God knows what..

"We took the elevator.." Kadine giggled.. *Sigh* I'm getting tired to say this, but I'm an idiot..

Andre opened the door and there she was, she already had company.. "What the hell are you doing here??" I asked..

"Visiting my girlfriend, isn't that obvious.." Grant replied..

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Nick shouted out.. "We escaped one drama and came right back to another.."

"OK!" I got everyone's attention.. "Grant and I were never together.. Amanda was just a friend.." I laid it out, I wanted to forget everything about them..

"I agree.. So whatever happen to both your dumb asses, we don't know you.." Kadine stated as she pointed at Amanda and Grant..

"Agree!" They both shouted..

"Good.. Now, everyone get out, I need to talk to Amanda alone.." I stated.. Everyone let themselves out as I sat on Amanda's bed..

My eyes glowed as I looked straight into her eyes.. "What happened, why are you here??" I asked with power in my voice..

"I'm here because a large black wolf attacked me.." She replied like a zombie under control..

"Tell me what happened since you left the house to this moment, now.."

"I came out of the house, I was upset that I couldn't have Nickolas, so I wanted to use Grant to make you jealous.. I was standing next to Grant's car when a wolf came up to me.. I was going to scream but I was so scared nothing came out.. The wolf attacked me, he jumped on me and bit my leg.. Andre and Kevin held back the wolf like it was nothing to worry about and the wolf let go of me.." Amanda stated a bit emotionless, since she was under my control..

"Continue Amanda.." I demanded calmly..

"I fainted.. I woke up in a hospital bed worried and scared and was about to call you, but I couldn't find my phone.. I gave the nurse Grant's contact after I remembered what had happen between us.. He came here immediately, talking about how much he missed you.. I asked him to be mines and he accepted, then you guys came few minutes after.." She finish off..

"Right.. Now listen carefully.." I began to change a little about the story from what she told me..
"You went outside after the argument, stood next to Grant's car, but no wolf attacked you.."

"No wolf attacked me.." She repeated..

"No wolf was there, so no wolf attacked you.. It was a dog, a brown bull dog.."

"Brown bull dog.. That's the neighbors dog, he attacked me.."

"Yeah he did.. And Nick saved you.. He got the dog away from you.." I stated before breaking my focus.. She looked at me blankly for awhile..

Then a confused look took over, "so?? What you wanna talk about??" She asked, completely forgetting what just happened..

"We were talking about what happened to you Amanda.." I said blankly, playing as if nothing happened..

"Oh, umm yeah.. The stupid bull dog attacked me.. I told you that dog was trouble, he always growling at me and stuff.. If Nick wasn't there I might have been dead.." She looked away.. "So you and Nick??"

"No.. This change nothing Amanda, I was just worried about you, doesn't mean we are all besties again.." I informed her..

"I know.. But we can still be friends and stuff.. Right??" She asked a little nervously..

"Yeah.. And maybe, maybe we can work our way back to besties.." I built her hopes up.. "Well, umm.. I gotta go, its late.. And umm, text me when your out, I'll pick you up are something.." I smiled..

"Yeah.. I will.." She smiled back.. I got up and went out the room to the halls..

Kadine stood there looking a bit nervous.. "What happened??" I asked..

"Well, the boys went outside, and I think they might be beating Grant's ass.." Innocent smile, her usual thing.. I sighed before racing down the halls ending up outside with Kadine by my side..

Kevin was holding Grant up as Nick and Andre threw punches at him.. Grant was bloody and messy, he's nose seems to be broken, his right eye was black and blue, blood was all over him.. "What the hell!!!" I shouted marching up to them.. Their heads snapped to me, except Grant's, his head was held down..

"What?! What's the problem!!" Nick asked in scary voice making the others whimpered..

"Don't shout at me!" I demanded.. Nick stepped back a little, obviously shock at my tone.. "How dare you!! First it was Amanda now its Grant, why the hell are you hurting him?!!" I ran up to Grant and tilt his head upward..

"Don't touch him!!" Nick's voices made me shake in my bunny slippers, yes I was still in my PJs..

"Don't tell me what to do.." I whispered a little scared.. No I can't be scared, that's not me..
Nick pulled me one side holding my hands, I looked straight into his eyes and it was black.. He stared at me coldly..

"You are my mate, what I says go.. I'm the alpha!"

"And I'm the Luna!!" I sighed as he growled a little.. "What I says goes too Nickolas, we are equals remember?" I said calmly..

His eyes softened as they returned to the normal golden brown.. "I'm sorry Trish.. I just hate seeing you get hurt.." I kissed his cheek before moving back to Grant..

"I can handle myself.." I looked in Grant's eye as he stared back in mines, his eyes were full of love and doubt like he cares about me.. No! If he cared we wouldn't be apart.. I shook off the feeling of heartbreak and I did my stuff..

Damn.. This whole day seem to have problems behind problems.. I literally graduated this morning and here I am.. I went through a break up after three years, my second bestie and I parted, I have a mate and he's a werewolf, oh let's not forget I'm a Luna!! So yeah, I wanted the day to end..

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