The chicken stops glowing and stands in place. It looks normal, but there could be an internal problem. You and Angela check the monitors to make sure everything matched.

"It seems normal, meaning the cells have stopped reforming." You say.

"The brain is functioning, but I don't see any blood movement. It could just be a heart problem." Angela says.

"Is that an easy fix?"

"It should be, but that's what we've thought before. Anyway, I can't do it with this chicken. I guess you should give it to Dr. Patel."

You nod and shoot the chicken again. You grab it and head to Dr. Patel's office. He thanks you and you head back, where you find Angela working hard on the computer.

"Okay. I think I've got it. Let's test it again." Angela says.

"Angela, let's stop testing for today. In the total of nine months, we've killed plenty of chickens. I'm surprised we haven't started a KFC." You say.

"It's for science. If we want to save people, we have to start small. And we can't if we don't do a damn test."

You could tell Angela was mad. Not at you though, but at the project. She doesn't often swear unless she's angry or worried. There's the occasional verdammt, but that rarely happens. Today, she's cursed at least ten times. That may not seem like much, but in Angela's case, it was as if she was a sailor.

"Alright. Let's test. I'll get the chicken. Who should we give this one to?" You ask.

"Dr. Lee, but let's hope we don't have to. This will hopefully be a success." Angela says.

"You sure know how to stay positive."

Angela smiles. "Let's see how long that lasts. Ready?"

"Chicken in place, monitors set. We are good to go. Shooting the chicken."

You shoot the chicken and Angela tries to resurrect it. The glowing happens, but you can tell something is wrong. For starters, once it was finished, there was no head.

Well, at least we don't have to decapitate it. You think.

"I'm done. I'm fucking done with this scheisse!" Angela yells and knocks papers off her desk.

You look at her wide-eyed. It was one thing for Angela to drop an f-bomb, but it was another to see her give up. She never gave up.

"Das ist unmöglich! Every time we think we've got it, it fails! Nine months. Neun scheiß- monate! No wait! Even longer! Ich bin ein Versager." Angela rants.

"Nein. You are not a Versager." You say and grab Angela's shoulders. "Look at me. Angela, you've saved countless lives due to your medical technology. You've saved me. You've saved Reinhardt. You've saved McCree. Hell, you've saved Winston. Who saved Genji Shimada who was on the brink of death?"

"I did." Angela mutters.

"Say it again."

"I did." She says with more force.


"I did!"


Mercy x Reader: Your Guardian Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن