Chapter Eight

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The abyss, which is now a milky white, clung onto Death the Kid fiercely. His golden eyes now dulled to all the whispering such as "You're pathetic. Like father like son." or "Just die already! You aren't even worth the air mere mortals breath. And they're below you."

He knew he shouldn't listen to them. It's all a mental game this devil's trying to play. But when you have the voices all around you, loud and soft, screaming in your ear, it's kind of hard to tune out.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Kid and began walking towards him. His eyes glanced up tiredly to see blood-gold eyes staring back at him in amusement.

"My my," the devil purred quietly, "Oh what a tole I have done on you, and it hasn't been two days. How pathetic."

The blood eyed demon stood up at his full height, towering over Kid easily. But he didn't care anymore to imitate him. The demon sneered with cold, emotionless eyes calculating Kid's every move.

"I would've thought that... After a week you'd start showing signs of losing your worth, or sanity." He shrugged. "Whatever came first, I suppose."

The demon turned on his heel and walked forward. His nails, at the moment, seemed more interesting than Kid currently. "But, at the moment, you seem to be weaker than I suppose. (The demon chuckled.) Oh well, I'll find a way to impress Boss."

The demon's eyes began to twinkle in excitement. "Oh I'd do anything to make him proud of me! I'd even rip both of my beautiful eyes right out of their sockets if I need to..."

Kid's eyes melted into distaste as he listened to his rambling. Finally he began to notice the demon's appearance.

His hair, instead of being black hair with white Lines of Sanzu, it was the opposite: pearly white hair and raven Lines of Sanzu. He wore a white caplet with a hood and the rest was Kid's usual attire but white. His appearance changed for some reason. Kid noted the converted colours; it was like Yin and Yang but not.

"Thinking about Yin and Yang aren't we?" The demon chuckled. "Oh we are, actually. I am Yin, but dress as Yang. You are the opposite: Yang, but dress as Yin. How funny, really."

Kid scowled at him. The demon 'tcked' and kicked Kid's cheek hard with his right foot with a frown on his face. Blood flew out of Kid's mouth onto the floor, staining it red.

"You should know better than to be rude to someone who could easily kill you, you know. Now-"

An evil smile curled on the demon's face; "Time for me to have fun, yes?"

And he disappeared.


Fūten sat on his black bed and shook his head. His blood gold eyes shimmered in the darkness as he got up, deciding the room needed a little make over. Magic danced on his index finger as Fūten tapped the blanket; white bled onto the fabric and stained it in a forever milky white. Deciding to go with Yin and Yang style, he put the Yin and Yang on the blanket and smiled.

"There we are," Fūten whispered to himself, "That's much better."

Fūten walked inside the bathroom to clean himself up as he noticed the hair on his neck began to convert to white. His eyes shown in curiosity.

"Interesting," he murmured.


Maka sat in class the next day, head in hand, elbow on desk, and a bored expression plastered on her face. The previous day still echoed through her mind.

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