Chapter 13

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Just want to say, thank you guys so much for your support. Make sure to follow me so you know when I update! And by the way, I am very friendly so I would love to talk to my followers! I do with - @I_Eclipse_I & @ASlady - I would also like to thank the people who have stuck around, like @FGshippercutter & @jasmine_is_trash

Go follow them!~ <3

Enjoy this long, special chapter.

I crawl out back seat car door as I climb out of the car. Closing the car door on my scarf, I just stand there - unable to move. Adam laughs and Tyler just tries to tug on the door, unlocking it from its cursed lock.

"hELP." I cry. I can't see Adam on the other side of the car, but I hear him laugh. I'm guessing he is on the grown crying of laughter.

"hEH reallY FUnNy!!1!" I fake laugh, I tug at the scarf a bit. "Curse this strong material!" I yank it one last time. The force of me pulling it out, yanked it out. But I was falling backwards and losing balance. I backed up right into Tyler, pushing him into the car next to us. I hit my head on his shoulder, surprisingly it hurt. I get up once I open my eyes after a few second, still holding the scarf I yanked. Tyler has his hands on both of my shoulders and starts to laugh.

(A/N HhehHHE This are just easter eggs for my next book :> - Oh and btw I have info about this book and how long it is going to be at the end of this chapter)

His glasses are slanted.

His chuckle is quite adorable. WaiT wHat AM i THInkINg?!

I get out of his body protection grip. And joined the laughing. I grabbed my bag and was careful with the door again. We walk into the store and go separate ways. We went out on our own to cover more grown more quickly. I went after drinks and things like that. I thought Adam was getting... I run into Adam, who has a cart FILLED with only raw meat. He zoom pasts me and I just stop and think about why I am here. Oh that's right, my job and Maxieee.

I grab a big tub of lemonade mix and read the ingredients. Adam zoom pasts me again, but is now twirling around the isle. I question his sanity instead of my own. I sigh and move along. 

After awhile I waited at the check out, I had already bought my stuff. Surely enough, Tyler stands next to me with his random things. We both chuckle then sigh, still waiting on Adam. 

"Should we go check on him?-" I was cut off by seeing Adam in the check out lane.

He looks over at me, with a innocent smile. He slowly lifted up his hands, he forgot his wallet in the car. I groan.

"I'll give him mine," Tyler laughs, "It's fine, I can!" I replied and he shrugged. 

I walked over to Adam and handed him my credit, "If it is over $100 you are paying for my spa re-treat when Jess get's here. Just us girl time at the spa and you're money in my pocket!" I laugh.

"Fine!" He chuckled, swiping the card - as he paying for the over $200 meat sacks in the cart.

We thanked the lady who registered us, and headed out. Adam had the cart so he didn't have to carry all of that meat. 

We got to the car and I unlocked it. Tyler and I helped Adam put all the meat into the trunk, I'm surprised it even fit. 

Time skip to when Jess enters the frame!

Jess sits down her stuff, and her kids already have their bathing suits on. "CAN WE GO SWIMMING??" They all yelled. "Yes, let me and Dad unpack, go on ahead!" She smiled at them. I smiled at them too. Kids, well Jess's kids have always been fun. 

They run along and Jess's husband (don't know his name I'M SO SORRY) kisses her cheek and stays with this kids. She unpacks her things and get's ready to go to the spa with me. 

"Alrighty! I'm ready to go, Y/N!" Jess smiles at me. I nod and bring some extra things. Max, Red, Barney, Adam, and Tyler already went out to their own place. Probably looking for something to eat knowing them. 

Jess and I left to the near-by spa. We got our nails done, toes too. I tickled my feet, so I laughed out of no where, and broke the awkward silence to even more awkwardness with my piglet laugh. 

We had facial masks on, just relaxing. She asks me a question, "I've been hearing rumors, Y/N.." She spoke softly.

"Uh- What rumors?" I ask half-way joking, somewhat worried. 

"Are you and Max dating?" She still sounded very innocent in her voice.

"Yes.. We've been together for - Uh, well, about two months.." I think, pretty concentrated. 

"OOoo.." She trails off, I can hear her chuckle. 

"What's the chuckle for?" I laugh a bit. "Nothing.. nothing ^-^" She giggles. 

Couple of hours later, I feel refreshed and absolutely no stress.  

I get ready to go to the pool in the bathroom. I put my hair up, ready to go. But still, my hair brush is in the bathroom, so I continue to fix my hair. 

"dANG IT MY HAIR IS SO THICK!!" My rubber-band breaks. So now I'm just bending over with my hair dangling, in my bikini. HELPLESS AGAINST MY HAIR. 

I hear the door open up, and Red peaks in. 

"AhH- Umm, sorry.. I didn't know you where in here." He apologizes for walking in.

"It's okay, - uh, could you hand me my rubber bands on the counter?.." I was using both of my hands to hold up my hair. 

"Here ya' go!" Instead of handing the rubber-bands to me, he puts up my hair for me. 

"Thanks Red!" I smile and lean up. I grab a cover up, and wear it until we get to the pool.

"CHANGE OF PLANS!" Adam screeches, "WE ARE GOING TO THE BEACH!" He screeched again. 

"OOOh, I haven't been to a warm beach ever in my life!" I smile. Max grabs my hand, "Let's go guys!"

"I'm driving my car that I rented." Adam says, "I call - Max, Red, and Ross!" He says. 

Jess rode with her husband and kids. So Tyler drove his car with me and Barney. I sat in the back. 

"Hey uhs, Y/n'S could you hands me's the bag backs ders?" He asks, I nod and hand him his bag. He puts his sun glasses on and chuckles. 

"Swag Barney, swag.." Tyler put's his on too. "Says' thes ones whos has ones ons now!" Barney replied laughing. I joined the laughter.

"HOW LONG IS THE DRIVE TYLER?!" I yell in the back.

"I would like to keep the blood in my ears, Y/N - And I don't know. We are just following Adam at this point." He grippens his hands on the steering wheels, and turns when Adam turn's.

I slam the car door shut, "FINNALLY!" I run into the water.

Adam does the same. Ross walks formally and once he gets close to the water, he pulls out flippers and goggles. And some floats. 

"Wow, Ross!" I yell. "I CAN'T FLOAT OKAY?!" He schreeches back at me.

"Where the heck is Ma- AHHHHHHH" Max lifts up out of the water, putting me on his shoulders. "Well, well, well... Look what we got here?" Max laughs. I fake cry. 

"It's cold up here!" A wave splashes on us, crashing us down.

"THAT'S NOT THE WAY I WANTED DOWN MAX" I yell, and he just continues to laugh.

Adam grills up some corn and ribs. We soon all eat and enjoy the rest of the night.

Word count 1139

Hope you guys enjoy this long chapter!

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