It Will Be Easier

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It must be the weekend because I'm finding time to write.  Not too much of this story left now.  Enjoy this new chapter!

Rosie stood without a clue as to what was happening.  She looked around again at the stacked up dining room chairs, the cardboard boxes of books, the set of nesting tables. It was then she began to recognise it all.

"Lee, why is your mum's furniture in my living room?"

Lee had stepped closer now and Rosie could see the guilty look he had on his face.

"I've had a bit of an accident," he admitted.

Rosie just looked upon him, unable to utter a single word. She just waited for an explanation. Lee knew she wanted more from him.

"My mum's kitchen, I...well, I didn't realise I had! It wasn't leaking when I popped out to B&Q. But when I got back..."

Rosie was losing her patients. "What have you done Lee?" she shouted.

"I've flooded the kitchen, well the complete downstairs of my mum's house." His voice trailed off at the end.

Rosie stood motionless. How could this be happening? The moment she had decided to begin to move Lee out of her life, he was moving further into it.

Taking one last look around the room, then staring at Lee with complete and utter loathing, Rosie told him she was going to bed and she disappeared upstairs.

Going into the bathroom and locking the door, Rosie leant against it and cried. She didn't want him. She wanted to run back down and tell him to clear out; find somewhere else to go, get out of her life now. She wished she was still in Cornwall. That seemed like forever ago now. No, she had to be truthful with herself; she just wanted to be with Ricky. If she hadn't have walked out on him all those weeks ago, who knows where they would have been now. Lee would almost certainly have been out of her life already.

Rosie went to the sink, wiped the makeup from her face and brushed her teeth. There was nothing that could be done tonight. 

By the time Rosie had finished in the bathroom, Lee had made his way upstairs. He walked in as she came out, their bodies pushing past each other in the doorway. She stopped.

"I'm sorry Rosie." She couldn't bring herself to look up at him. "I haven't done this on purpose, to annoy you." Rosie walked on to the bedroom.

She was in bed by the time Lee stood throwing his clothes on to the chair. She lay silently as he got in next to her. Her body tensed as his arm slid around her waist. Feeling this, his hand stopped.

"Oh come off it Rosie!  I've not seen you for over a week!" he began. He moved her hair to one side and she felt his lips at her neck. She felt sick. She couldn't do this. She might not be able to tell him it was over. She might have to string him along for a few weeks. But there was simply no way on this earth that she could bring herself to do what he so obviously wanted to do.

"I'm tired Lee," she told him, not moving. He didn't listen. "I said I am tired!"  This time Rosie turned to face him. The look in her eyes told him she was serious. 

"For fuck sake Rosie! Are you still going on about that wedding fair? I'd have thought you'd have got over that by now."  Lee rolled on to his back.

"No Lee, I just told you I was tired. If you don't like it,  you can always go and sleep in the spare room!"

"I can't," he muttered quietly, "the bed is covered in my mum's sofa cushions and curtains."

Rosie threw the duvet back and got out of bed. Her hands were in her hair. She wanted to shout,  but somehow she kept it all in, she bit her tongue. "I'll sleep downstairs, "  she told him in a quiet manner and closing the door she left him alone.

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