Oh My God

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Rosie didn't know how to feel. He was stood there in front of her and that moment absolutely nothing else seemed to matter.

"You don't know how pleased I am to see you here." He moved forward ever so slightly, but Rosie didn't move, seeming more like a rabbit trapped in headlights than the woman Ricky had spent the evening with all those weeks ago.

"Ricky! Ricky!"

"Oh shit," he muttered under his breath. He did not need any interruption, not now.

A hand slapped him on the shoulder. "Did you find her?"

Rosie watched a man she recognised from the stage hang his arm around Ricky, a bottle of beer in the other hand.

"Oh, hello. Who are you?" Whitey asked drunkenly, then seeing Ricky was holding the woman's hands he added, "Shit, it's you!"

Ricky shook his head. "What do you want Whitey?"

"Is this the teacher then?" Rosie smiled at him, amused by the situation, by meeting someone connected to Ricky, a part of his world.

Whitey held his hand out to shake Rosie's. She let go of Ricky as she took the hand offered to her, but looking back at Ricky, she saw he hadn't taken his eyes off her.

"I'm Andrew, you can call me Andy. And you must be Rosie. I'd say Ricky has told us all about you, but..."

"Alright Whitey!" Ricky sounded slightly angry, "What do you want anyway?" he asked, rubbing at his eye.

"I came to see if you fancied a drink, but I'm guessing now you'll be otherwise engaged. Fuck. Sorry. Didn't mean to say engaged..."

"Whitey," Ricky glanced away, "Get lost."

"Point taken," he put his hand on Rosie's shoulder now. "I'll see you soon, in a while, hopefully..."

"Piss off Whitey!" Ricky had heard enough now. Rosie watched as Whitey put his finger to his lip to stop himself from carrying on, turned and left them alone. "Sorry," he apologised.

"That's ok!" She does speak, Ricky thought.

"Ricky!" Ricky closed his eyes hearing his name again.

"Can we get out of here?" he asked and seeing Rosie nod immediately and still holding one of her hands, they headed into the darkness away from the tents and cabins of the backstage area.

They took a track away from the site. Rosie had seen vans and people carriers bringing the acts, they had thought, on to the site travelling down this makeshift road. Getting to the end, there was another gate and security guard. Ricky waved a pass that he had around his neck at the man and at once the gate was opened and they were free from the festival.

Neither had spoken and, except for slight smiles, both were more focused on getting away from everyone and everything before they began their discussion. But they hadn't let go of each other.

Ricky led them across a small field, Rosie getting the impression that he knew precisely where they were going.

Arriving at a gravelled car park area, Rosie saw that they were heading towards a sign pointing down to a path to the beach. Being only room for one person at a time, Ricky finally released her hand. As they took the steps down to the beach, the sound of the music began to lessen until, when they were finally on the sand, all that could be heard was a distant thumping.

Rosie stood looking out across the sea. The sun had fallen below the horizon now and moon alone danced on the ripples of the water. Ricky made his way to her side, taking in the view  himself.

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