Time To Wake Up

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Apologies for the length of time it's taken me to post again. Life is never an easy road and sometimes there is a lot thrown in your path at once. Updates may be sporadic for a while.

Rosie lay on her front in Ricky's bed. The duvet was pulled up to her naked shoulders, their clothes in a trail from the bedroom to the living room. Ricky lay on his back but his head faced Rosie. She felt a mixture of excitement yet numbness. They had done it; taken things to the next step. Rosie watched him. Every part of him, in her opinion, pretty prefect.

"What are you thinking?" he asked, intrigued by the look on her face.

Rosie felt shy instantaneously. She didn't really want to admit her thoughts. "How did I end up here?"

Rosie had wondered the very same thing as she had stood with Ricky in the living room an hour before. His touch had been gentle, yet forceful as if he had given in to the restraint that he'd held inside. Rosie had given him the green light he'd waited for, wanting her guidance on what should happen and when. But when that light had been lit, neither had held back.

Ricky rolled on to his side, his finger tracing a pattern on her shoulder that sent tingles through Rosie. He laughed as she squirmed. "My irresistible charm!" Rosie rolled to face him.

"You could be..." Rosie stopped as she heard her phone ringing in the living room. She stared at Ricky, "That's my phone." She didn't move.

"Do you want to answer it?" The mood in Ricky's bedroom had changed instantly. She hadn't blinked, scared by the tune she could hear and knowing whoever was at the other end would more than likely mean difficulty for the situation she was now in. "Rosie?"

But Rosie didn't need to answer as the ringing stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief. "I dread to think who that was," she told him honestly. Ricky edged towards her, wanting quickly to give her something else to focus her mind on.

"You know it is only just after nine o'clock and we are already in bed!" Ricky attempted to sound shocked.

"We might well be in bed, but I am definitely not..." The phone began to ring again. Rosie was far more concerned now.

"Seems like someone really wants to talk to you!" Ricky raised his eyebrows.

"Shall I answer it?" Rosie went to get out of bed, but Ricky held her arm.

"Think about what you will say first. You don't want to stumble over your words," he suggested, sounding a little too experienced at this sort of thing.

Rosie frowned, "It depends on who it is!" But in the time they'd taken to think about it, the ringing had stopped again. Thoughts swam around Rosie's mind as she sat on the edge of the bed. But when the phone rang for a third time after a few minutes, Rosie gestured at a tshirt of Ricky's, which seeing his nod, she grabbed and put on as she left the room.

Ricky fell back on to his pillow, with an arm covering his face, listening to whatever response he'd hear from Rosie.

Seconds later, Rosie was back in the room, her phone in her hand. Ricky stared across, waiting expectantly. "Tina!" He watched as she marched back to the bed and sat down, huffing as she did so. "She's left an answerphone message."

Ricky leant up on his elbow and surveyed Rosie's face for some sort of clue to her next step. To his surprise, she placed her phone down on the bedside table and got back in to bed.

"It won't be anything important!" Rosie decided. She felt Ricky wriggle, his face showing relief that their fun was not about to come to the abrupt ending it seemed to be heading towards moments ago.

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