Chapter 1

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Your POV:

The sky was turning to the colors of a fresh bruise. It's colors consisting of a mix of purple, blue, and black. Unlike many other things, I actually thought the sky was pretty.

The sky has always fascinated me. It's colors changing, the sun lighting it up, the moon being so bright in a world so dark. The blue color of the oceans. It was all so beautiful.

I never thought of many things of necessarily beautiful. They are all simply normal to me. I don't see the greatness in all those things normal girls would think are pretty or cute.

I like to enjoy the simplicity of the small things. Rarely, I would ever feel the feeling of satisfaction. It was always a mix of confusion, sadness, and anger for me. I guess you could say I have depression.

But I don't want to call it that. Others would call it attention seeking. Some would call it being weak. But I say it's just when you have had too many unpleasant feelings inside of you and you can't take much more. Sure, you can be strong for such a long time, but like any other human, you crack sometimes.

I walk down the sidewalk, heading to my boyfriend's house. My boyfriend and me never got along much anymore. He would always accuse me of doing something I didn't do, and sometimes he would try and boss me around. I don't listen to his rules. I'm my own person.

I walk in the door and I am greeted by the stench of his alcohol. Yeah.....long story short I had no idea this douche bag was an alcoholic. I found out a few weeks ago, a few days after we started dating.

We met at a club, which one of my friends forced me to go to. I hate clubs, parties, and basically anything social. People in general make me pissed off. All of their expectations and rules confuse me.

"Babe! Where were you?" My boyfriend, Alex stumbles into the entry. He is clearly drunk out of his mind.

"I told you, I had to go to work. Remember?" I say, giving him a bit of sass. I have no idea why I am still with this idiot. Oh yeah, I remember.

I live here. I am poor and my boyfriend pays most of the bills. Without Alex,  I would be stranded on the street somewhere, starving. And I can't have that.

"Oh yeeeeeah!...You were at that one crappy cafe?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes, and it's not crappy. The people are crappy but not the building." I explain to him. People always called the buildings crappy when they worked, but in reality it's just the people who work there. The buildings are actually neat.

"Whatever. Make me some supper!! I'm hungryyyyy!!" Alex whined. I roll my eyes and grab some febreeze from the bathroom. I spray down the house and open a window. The smell still lingers.

"Alex!!! You Fucking stinks up the house with your damn beer!" I yell to him.

"Shut up! It's my house and I do what I want!!" He yells back.

I growl and close my eyes. I look out the window and look up at the sky. It always calms me down. Sometimes, I get the slightest feeling that somewhere out there, another person is looking at the same sky and wishing to not be as lonely as me.

Maybe......just maybe I could find someone who actually cared.

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