Chapter 41

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I saw him. Just fudge.

I mean, I can see him from where I am standing.

I don't know why I am still watching.

Maybe because I'm a masochist.

I'm so stupid.

Why do I keep on thinking about him?

When in fact, he's there being happy with another girl. A very pretty girl. She's taller than me. She looks sexier than me. She has fairer skin than me. So, he got another girl?

I gasped. Maybe she's the reason why he can't love me back?

Who is she? Fudge. I'm desperate to know who is she! Why is she talking to him?

Why can he smile and I can't? Why can he talk to other girls when I can't talk to other boys because I'm afraid he'll get mad? Because I'm afraid to lose him.

Oh my. My eyes grew wider as he hugs the girl.

Fudge. Crush, don't cry. You can't cry. There's no way you'll cry while he's there hugging another girl.

I turned my back on them. It hurts to see him doing that. I know, I'm his girlfriend and I shouldn't be acting like this because he's already mine. But you can't blame me. He doesn't love me, I don't have any assurance that he won't leave me.

Why is everything so complicated? I used to be happy just by seeing them win in M! Countdown, Music Core and Inkigayo before, but why is this happening?


The next morning I woke up, I hurriedly checked my phone. There's still no texts. He forgot about me. Yeah, maybe he already has another girl.

What can we expect? He's a super star, he's handsome, he's hot and everything. He can get another me in a minute. I'm not that special. Remember? I'm just another wide eyed girl in the crowd and there are hundred thousands of girls just like me.

I don't know how I was able to sleep. I was crying my heart out last night. And my foot? I think it's injured just like my heart.

I stood up and slowly walked my way to the bathroom. There I did my morning rituals.

"What's wrong with your foot?" Auntie asked as I sit next to her.

"I don't know either, Auntie. Don't worry, I'm fine."

It's our first time talking since the other day. Because in the morning, she has to leave early and by that time I'm still sleeping. At night, I'll be home late and when I get home she's sleeping already. We just met today because I woke up very early. I wasn't able to get enough sleep since Tao and I talked.

"Your eyes are so puffy, you fought?" She said as she takes a bite of her bread.

"Just a little." We almost broke up.

"Just remember that you shouldn't let go of something you've worked hard for, but if it's already too much maybe it's the time to finally let go." She stood up and grabbed her bag. "I'm leaving."


"I saw Tao Oppa yesterday. He's with Kirstin!" I heard my co-trainee said.

"Oh my gosh! The new hottest Korean model?"

"Yes! I even saw them hug! Omo, they look so good together!"

"We're TaoTin shippers!"


It's still early that's why they still have time fangirling. And I'm telling you, I'm not happy with what they're talking about.

Kirstin? So she's the girl yesterday. New hottest Korean model. I smiled bitterly.

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