Thanksgiving Angel

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Dear Diary,

         It is still thanksgiving. And it was amazing. Let me give you the rundown. This morning I was a nervous wreck waiting for my parents to come home. I was scared and terrified. If fear could have fear, that was me. So I hear the door bell ring. My Aunt opens the door and my parents walk in. They look at me and I look at them. The day went a little like this:

Aunt: Jenny!!!! Johnnie!!!!!! So good to see you.

Mom: Jessica you look beautiful. Only if a dying pig looked amazing. But still you look better         than before.

Dad: Ok ladies. No fighting. Oh is that little Kayla!!!

Me: Hey dad.

Dad: Hey kiddo. Come give your old man a hug.

(I go down the stairs and give my dad an awkward hug)

Mom: Let me look at the little monster. Ugly little thing isn't she.

(She just kept giving me the evil eye)

Me: Hi mom.

Mom: Don't hi mom me you evil little monster. 

(After that moment they all went to the kitchen and started drinking heavily. They were all to intoxicated for their own good. They always drink enough for an army and their families. After about thirty minutes of them being there the door bell rings.)

Mom(falling over): I'll get it.

Dad(giggling): But Jenny its not even your house.

Aunt: I'll get it. Maybe its the pizza. Or maybe its Tony wanting me back.

(As my aunt opens the door all jaws drop at the beautiful angel standing in our doorway)

Aunt(laughing): Who in fucking hell are you? You like bring sun in my house to my home like glitter.

Mysterious woman: As always you guys are drunk.

(She steps into the room without permission looks at me and gives me the biggest and brightest smile. She really was bringing the sun with her. She walks over ignoring my family and gives me the biggest hug that I ever got. It was familiar and at that moment I knew who she was. When she realized that I knew we both broke out into tears.)

Mom: Whats with the rain?

Me: Amber

Amber: I missed you so much kiddo.

Dad: Amber? Its been years how have you been kiddo.

Amber: Good but better knowing that you guys were in jail.

Dad: There is no need to be so sour.

(Dad reached for Amber's sleeve and she pulls away.)

Dad: What's wrong? Don't you still love your dad.

Amber: Ha. That is funny. Didn't you love your kids enough to not abandon then and leave your daughters with the planets two biggest whores.

Dad: Amber!!!

Mom: You disrespectful little bitch! I should have aborted you while I had the chance! 

Amber: I wish you did. Beats living with you sluts.

Aunt: Get out of my house. You are not welcome here.

Amber: Oh. I'm more than happy to. But after I come for what is mine. I want it back.

Aunt: I have nothing that is yours. You can't come in here unannounced and disrespect me in my own house.

Amber: Fuck off. I don't deal with washed out nobodies. Anyways,Kayla what is your answer?

Me: What are you talking about?

Amber: What do you mean what am I talking about? Didn't you get the postcard I sent you?

Me: Yeah but---

Amber: Jessica took it. Should have known. I wanted to know. No more like I need you to move with me to Boston.

Me: Me to Boston!!!!

Aunt: Wait. You cant just ask her something like that out of the blue. She needs time to think about it.

Me: Of course. I will go with you!

Mom: I won't let you take my baby. My wonderful daughter.

(She licks my face really slowly. I can tell that she is really drunk)

Amber: She stopped being your "baby" when you tried to turn her into a porn star for a quick buck.

(She pulled me away from my mom. Embracing me like a mother bear does with her cubs.)

Dad: We are a family. We must stick together.

Amber: Too late. The only tie that I have to you is just a piece of paper  that says Boshkin. And that's just to prove that I survived his nightmare of a family.

Aunt: She's not packing. They are my stuff.

Amber: Fine.

(Amber takes my hand and we walk out to her 2002 silver Lexus. We hop  in her car and we drive out the state while our family throws curses at us and beer bottles)

Set fee unshackled. No more burdens no more pain. This is definitely the happiest day of my life. Thank you so much big guy in the sky.

A liberated,


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