My Aunt

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Hello Diary,

           I'm grounded. Now you wanna know why. Its for no real reason. My Aunt is just being a bitch today. Now if we are gonna be friends you need to know my Aunt. Her name is Jessica born and Raised in Los Angeles, California. Good Christian woman. At least thats what she says. She attended Stanford University at the top of her class. While she was in school she was in a long distant relationship with a man called Tony Stilleta and he was a at the top of his class at Harvard University. So it was basically nerd love. Kissy and nasty. They were engaged to be married after graduation and had fabulous jobs, perfect life. Man I wished that they stayed together so I could be their kid. Imagine it gourmet food, trips to Paris every weekend, and my own shopping mall. After graduation my Aunt moved to Arizona with a friend of hers because she claims that she got a "better job". So she moved and that was the last time I ever saw my kind and loving Aunty. She fought with her roommate and she got them both evicted form their apartment. She didn't come back home because she planned on moving to Boston to marry the man of her dreams. But things don't always happen the way we want them to. While in Arizona she got fired. A co-worker accused her of groping her but she was only jealous because her man was always hitting on her like all the men at her job. She had no money no home. Nothing. Then at one of the clubs she met a man named Tex. Now let me tell you about Tex he goes from city to city and is a "bisexual" that goes around cities as a sugar baby. He dresses gay when he needs money and straight when he needs someone to get him cash. I have only met him twice but after that I know that he is a horrible influence. Now he says bisexual. I say money sexual if money could give a good blowjob then hell yeah he would fuck it. Now back to the story. They meet in the club and he totally picks my Aunt up. Not like as a take home girlfriend to meet his parents, more like a cash cow that doubles up as a good time. When they meet he tells her all about being a drug dealer and the perks of working in the porn industry. Lots of $$$$ in her pocket. At first she refuses. Good old Christian girl, right? WRONG!!!! She gets into it because she has no money. She starts drinking and becomes a big party girl. Having "fun" every weekend. Then she became an alcoholic. Not to mention that she got pregnant 8 times and aborted all of them. She says that she can't stand children. Tex starts selling heavy drugs like meth and weed. One weekend she comes back home for family vacation. I remember being about 5 years old  and she was always high and drunk. That weekend she separated from Tony and she crashed super hard. She started stealing and went back to Arizona so she could continue her horrible lifestyle. Little did she know that she was in big trouble. She got arrested after getting pulled over by a cop. The officer found all her little goodies and she went to jail with Tex for the next 10 years. Yay prison wedding. She became horrible a monster almost demon like.  Those are the last days of my precious Aunty before she died.

Sorry for the long story,


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