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Hello Diary,

           Now that we are better acquainted I think you should know a little bit more about my life. So get your popcorn and be ready for a big one. Today I'll tell you about school. I wasn't always home schooled. Up until grade eight I went to a normal school. Just before I was going to enter high school I was diagnosed with maniac depression. Now I know what you are thinking, boo you. Such a sad life a sad existence. Or you are the type to think that is going to lecture me on going to the doctor and getting pumped on pills like Lithium. Now let me tell you something it's my life and I am gonna do what I want when I want. Now I'll let you in on a little secret I hate Lithium, I hate my meds, and I absolutely hate anti-depressants. They mess with my head and make me feel all weird and crazy. Now I'm not advocating that we all should start a bonfire and burn all the pills. I am a good Christian girl and the Lord says thou shall not kill but, I'm doing it as self defense. You see they are killing the way that I think. My thought pattern is always messed up and sometimes there are exceptions to the rules. I don't know what I'm saying anymore. They just make me feel like I am broken and I need to be fixed. So far its been 17 years and I have not been fixed. Things that can't be fixed should be disposed of. Destroyed.



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