"Derek!" Ryder warned.

"The building shouldn't have gotten in my way." Derek snapped.

Lineas took this opportunity of distraction at an attempt for another cast only to have Derek swiftly dodge the attack, cackling as he did.

"Boy, is it windy today!" He joked as the wind went flying up towards the sky, the window sills of the buildings rattling from the blast.

Zain worked to fire another shot at him which Derek used to his advantage as he maneuvered closer to the man so they were only standing a few feet apart.

"Derek, you're too close! Be careful!" Rachel cried out.

"This is perfect." Derek grinned as his eyes locked in on Zain's confused expression, "Hey buddy, I'm going to borrow some of your life-force."

"You're wha-" Zain began before being thrown into antagonizing screams as he collapsed onto the ground struggling to breathe.

Derek closed his eyes as a blissful grin plastered his face, slowly inhaling as he drained Zain's own life force to help fuel his magic. Luke watched in shock as his friend's aura grew larger, thrumming with power.

"I wasn't aware he could do that on humans." Luke gulped as he eyed his friend.

"He's going to kill him!" Rachel cried jumping forward.

Ryder grabbed her arm, yanking her back as he shook his head. Derek was only taking enough to restore his energy, he may be insane but he wasn't a sadist. At least, Ryder hoped that was the case.

"Have a little more faith in me, Rach." Derek snapped as he took a step back letting Zain fall to the ground in a crumpled unconscious heap.

He almost appeared to be glowing as he stood taller, slowly turning to focus on his remaining opponents. Lineas was trembling in fear as his eyes locked in on the man, ready to take out his next foe.

"Ooh, I feel a lot better now." Derek grinned.

"You, how? That's! What the fu-" Lineas rambled as he blindly fired spells towards Derek.

Derek yawned as he let the spells hit him, not even faltering in his steps. After taking out much of Zain's life force, Lineas's spells felt little more than gentle breezes to the boy. Give him some sun, and he could experience a warm summer day. Sweat beaded across Lineas's forehead as he worked to throw stronger casts to no avail.

"Your Elemental magic was stuff I was doing at the age of five." Derek snapped as he countered Lineas's wind spell with that of water, sending the man flying backwards in a miniature tornado as he slammed through the building in an unconscious heap.

"He is out of control." Rachel gasped.

Ryder nodded as he studied his best friend's little brother. It had been a while since he had actively seen Derek this insane. The last time he had been this bad was back when the boy was only seven and he thought he was saving Anna. The sheer raw power Derek possessed was terrifying when unleashed.

"Screw this," Wren shouted as he stepped out from his position beside Luke at the hospital entrance, placing his wand tip down towards the ground as he muttered the incantations for a summoning.

The sky grew dark and ominous as the ground broke apart, a giant beast of a demon crawling its way out of the ground before coming to its full height, a black scaly beast at thirteen feet tall.

"Bad idea." Ryder muttered.

"Why?" Rachel questioned as she studied the demon in fear. This was the first time she had actually gotten to witness a summoning of a demon higher than level 3 which had been a tough one to overcome.

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