Chapter 6: Heading Home / Mewing Mouser

Start from the beginning

"I guess it's just you and me." Emilia stared at the tomcat.

"You are correct. It seems we are alone in this." The kitten actually articulated.

"Wh-WHAT?!?"" Emilia would've had a spit-take at that, had she been drinking.

Lying in his futon, Rain could all but stop glaring at the ceiling. It had been such a long time since he even saw Emilia's face. What would she do if she saw him again? Would there be a happy reunion? Choking back a cough, he stood up.

He'd visit her today, he figured. Whispering nothings to himself during the trip, he focused on the memory of Emmy's face. "What did Em look like?" he muttered under his breath. Her silky raven black locks, her special eyes, the first time they'd met... It all fired through his head. He needed closure with her, her understanding of why he didn't feel the same. Sometimes, it takes a tragedy to fix a heart indefinitely..

He'd never get to see her, though. Not in the current time. She was still locked in the under-compartments of this girls house. He was working that night, the night she was kidnapped. What could he do?

Rapping on the door with his fist, heart in his hand, he was surprised that not a soul was home. Where did her family go? Right, Rain remembered both of her parents were working with a tight schedule. Then, where was Emilia? She should be here.

Racing down to Jeremy's apartment, he followed the same pattern. Jeremy opened the door, the feeling of Rain's aura frightened with concern.

"You need help, partner? It's great to see you alive and not in a sarcophagus." his voice sounded sleep deprived from the night prior.

"Do you know where Emilia is? I... I want to talk to her so badly." Jeremy's expression went grim within mere moments.

"Didn't get home right, evidently. Did you check there first?" Rain nodded his head.

"We might have a problem... I got to come clean to you... There was this girl who used to stalk me. I don't know what her name was, but I could tell you what she looks like. She had long tangled hair that was a mix of blonde and brown - I'm not sure what you'd call it - and these amber eyes that were foggy. Using magic, I was able to determine her dark wishes. She's absolutely crazy, I think. Must have liked me to the point of insanity, got real jealous seeing you in my future. That being said, I protected you so now you still feel pain and all that jazz, but don't get hurt ninety-nine percent of the time. She's probably the girl who stabbed you, leaving that mark across your chest. If my suspicions are correct, she also shot you and now... Emilia..."

"You did that? You protected me? Why?" Rain asked.

"You are a friend. That's all that mattered to me..." Jeremy looked depressed.

"We need to get Emilia!" Rain grasped Jeremy's hand firmly. Jeremy let go.

"We don't know where she is. However, I can do something about that." Using a spell, he was able to pinpoint Emilia's exact location and coordinates. With that, they started their mission. Footstep after footstep, breath after breath, they got closer and closer to Emmy.

A certain cat began speaking to Emilia. "I know why you are here. That mistress is no good, no shred of good could be spared in her very essence. Two lads are coming here, coming for you. You must not worry, my lady. They will be here, then we can rejoice for our freedom."

"How can you talk?" Emilia was still extremely flabbergasted.

"Simple. I suppose magic must be involved, otherwise this would not be possible at all." His whiskers twitched impatiently.

"Do you have a name, mouser?" Emmy inquired to the magical cat.

"I... I do not believe I should tell you that." The animal would be blushing if its skin was not covered by thick fur.

"Really? I hardly doubt your name can be that atrocious." Emilia was legitimately curious by this point.

"It's... It is Mr. Whiskers. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. My first name is Pawl. It is supposed to be an awful pun on the word paw mixed with the word mewl." Pawl spoke embarrassed.

"Well, Mr. Pawl Whiskers, I'm Emilia. It's nice to meet you, too."

Outside, snow piled up in drifts as the wind started to howl harshly. Each intricately created snowflake floated from the azure. Clouds crowded closely centered to the center of the sky. Every snowflake is unique. In the moment of blue gone grey, the beauty of seeing them illuminated in teal stood out like a sore thumb. Rapidly the weather shifted into being more frigid than it had been that entire day. Still venturing outdoors were Rain and Jeremy, in search of Emilia. They were not aware of Emilia's new feline acquaintance, and thus did not think Emmy had any company in her despicable place. That Bombay was certainly a peculiar individual. Both had an official vendetta against Maria, and for extremely good reason. Could they save Emilia?

~END of Chapter 6~

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