i want to tell you everything

Start from the beginning

"I'm also getting married. I'm just a little worried about my pregnancy." She said with a simple smile.

"Lies." He said. "You're lying, tell me the truth you wanted to see me."

"Luke it's been years, we're not little kids anymore. I'm not lying." She said.

"What happened to I'll wait for you." He said.

"And I did, you never came, you left me behind. You left as if I meant nothing." She cried out.

"I told you when the time was right we would finally be together." He told her.

"When is that? Did you want me to wait forever. The time will never be right. I was tired of waiting." She croaked out.

"Do you think you were the only one waiting." He yelled. " Do you still have the tree."

She remembered the tree. That special day when they both promised to wait.

"It's not there anymore we cut it down to make room for my engagement party." She lied the Willow tree was still there.

"I see."

"Can you just check me, I have to go back to the preparations of my wedding."

* * *

Hermione saw Draco soundlessly sleeping on the couch in the common room. She smiled on how angelic he slept.

"I want to tell you everything." She said.

She touched his hair, his white silver hair.

"I wonder if our kid is going to have your hair. Silky, white hair."

She sat on the floor and rested her head on the couch.

"Maybe you were my one and only true love but I wasn't yours."

She took a deep breath. And wished that she could be Astoria.

"How silly of me, still wishing like a little kid. Even a wish can't help me now can't it, you said it yourself your love for me is dead." She closed her eyes and went to sleep

* * *

"Astoria I'll tell you next time when you bring you're fiancee." Luke told her with a worried look in his face.

"Why." She asked.

"This is to much for you hear." He told her.

"Trust me it's not."

"Astoria." He said.

"Just tell me."

"There's no way to save you." He said it simple with teary eyes.

"Repeat it again please, I didn't understand."

"If you have the baby you'll die, if you try to aborting it, there will be internal bleeding and might be fatal due to your condition of the curse."

"Is this because of the curse." Her face was pale any second she would faint.

"It can be, but the point is there no way for you to live."

"No one can know understand." She said leaving.

* * *

"Hermione." Someone whispered.

Hermione heard someone call her name.

"Hermione wake up." She heard the person whisper again.

"Dumbass wake up."

She finally woke up. She saw Draco still sleeping. She turned to her side and saw Ginny.

Ginny pulled her up and ran to Hermione's room.

" I don't understand you. Do you want to get caught." Ginny told her.

"I was sleepy, not sure you remember I'm pregnant, last time I fell asleep in the restroom."

"I can't leave you alone for an hour."

"Ginny I'm sleepy, I'm going back to sleep."

Ginny left the room and saw Astoria kneeling beside the couch crying. She hid away but was still able to listen.

"I want to tell you everything, but I can't maybe it's for the best. You will take care our child right, when I'm gone." Astoria said.

I made up the doctor, also the Q&A is still open for any questions

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