Chapter 22: Come Together

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I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I was filled with anger. Mike was still hiding behind me, not making a peep. Paul stood frozen staring at Jim McCartney. It took a few moments before anybody could speak, I think we were all trying to analyze the situation and trying to believe it was really happening. Jim took his eyes off of Paul and locked with mine. "I think it's best if you leave." I managed to growl out. The sound of my voice made Mike tighten his grip around my waist. "This is my home, son. I believe it's best if you leave." Jim spat back, his voice sounding weak and shaken.

"Take Mike upstairs." Paul ordered as he tilted his head slightly toward me. "Paul, no I'm--" I tried to object before Paul interrupted. "John, now." He said sternly. That meant walking right by Jim. I spun around and picked up Mike, who quickly hid his head in my neck and wrapped his limbs around my body. I took a deep breath and as I walked by Jim toward the stairs, it took every ounce of my strength not to head butt him. He glared at me as I walked by.

I made it up into Paul's room, and sat Mike down on the bed. I sat down next to him and took another deep breath. "Are you okay?" I asked Mike quietly. He leaned into my side and I put my arm around his shoulder. I could hear him begin to cry, the poor lad. I did not want to be locked up here and away, Paul needed me. "P-Paul is downstairs..with him," Mike said quietly. I nodded. "G-go sit on the stairs and listen, Johnny, he might need you," Mike told me. "Are you gonna be okay if I do?" I asked, already standing up. He nodded and lied down on his older brothers bed. I opened the door quietly and tip toed down the stairs half way, sitting down and listening carefully.

It was silent at first, I heard a chair shuffle and Jim sigh loudly. "Why are you here?" Gin asked. "I want my home back, I want my children." Jim said quite loudly. I shook my head to myself. I waited for Paul to object, but he didn't speak. "The boys have learned their lesson, I've quit drinking. I need my boys back." Jim ordered. I wanted to throw things. I wanted to hit Jim McCartney so hard he didn't wake back up. "Stupid git." I mumbled to myself. "Paul, don't you have anything to say?" Jim asked. "Don't you? An apology, perhaps?" Paul spat back quickly. I wanted to stand up clapping, and place a huge kiss on Paul's lips. I was so proud of him for standing up for him and Mike, not backing down. "Paul I did those things because I care about you, you're my son after all." Jim scoffed. It was all so unreal. "You nearly killed me because you care? That's bullshit." Paul laughed. "Don't take that tone with me, young man." I heard him stand up. "Or what? You'll put me back in a hospital bed?" Paul stood up as well.

I braced myself. "Don't you have any respect for your father?" Jim raised his voice. "Fuck you." Paul spat back and left the room, he stormed up the stairs passed me and slammed his bedroom door shut. Jim showed up at the bottom of the stairs. I stood up. "Yer a swine." I growled at him. "Let me pass, kid." Jim shoved me, I fell but caught myself on the stairs. I took another deep breath, I couldn't hit him. Oh how I bloody wanted to, but I knew if I started hitting him I wouldn't be able to stop. I'd end up killing the old sod. Gin stepped out from around the corner. "Come on, let's all sit down in the living room and talk." She ordered, speaking loud enough so Paul and Mike would hear. Paul walked out of the bedroom with a still frightened Mike holding his hand. I leaned against the wall, allowing them to pass me. As Paul walked by, he lightly grabbed my hand. His touch reminded me that he was okay, and we were going to figure this thing out.

Paul and I sat down together on the couch, Mike jumped up into my lap, Gin was in the chair, and Jim stood in the doorway. "Jim, you know the boys are both legally mine. Now that Paul is an adult, he's a secondary guardian to Mike. This is not your decision, its our's." Gin told him sternly. I couldn't believe how calm Paul seemed. Mike was fumbling with my fingers, not looking up at his dead-beat father that I oh-so-badly wanted to knock on his ass. "Then you should know that I've quit drinking and all I want is to be a father to you boys again." Jim said, calmly. "Had yer chance already and ye blew it, didn't ye?" I blurted out. The sound of my voice seemed to sooth Paul because his face softened. "Why are you here, Lennon? This is a family matter." Jim said as he stared me down again. "John is more family than you are." Paul said in an extremely low, monotoned voice. Jim's stare didn't break with mine.

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