29 {Twenty-Nine}

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*2 Months Later*



I was giving birth in a week and I was absolutely ready to meet my baby boy. Chris and I agreed to name him Christopher Maurice Brown Jr. It was the only one we agreed on. I was packing my overnight bag right now because seeing that its only a week away, there is a possibility of it happening at any moment.

Chris was more than ready. He was always dressed to go to the hospital at any moment. Even when he was sleeping. He was in the shower getting ready to go to the studio to record. He wanted to take time off to be with me but I refused. I didn't want to be a burden.

Chris: Wow baby...

Nina: What?

Chris: How do you manage to look so sexy at nine months pregnant?

Nina: No I'm fat.

Chris: Bullshit. If you weren't given doctor's orders, I would be showing you how sexy you look.

Nina: You sure you don't want to go back in there and have a little fun with your hands before you leave?

Chris: Very funny baby. How long before we can have sex again?

Nina: 2 months after your son's big head shoots out of me.

Chris: Well no worries you just killed my boner til then.

Nina: *smirks* Love you.

Chris: Love you too.

He responded smacking my butt. Everything was perfect we were gonna be a family soon. Only thing that wasn't right was we weren't married. Hopefully soon though.

Chris: Babe! You wanna go to dinner tonight?

Nina: Why?

Chris: Can't stay in the house All the time and eat junk food cause you're pregnant.

Nina: Ok. Sure. Why not?

Chris: I'll be back at 7. Be ready by then ok?

Nina: Ok.

Chris: Love you.

Nina: Love you too.

It's a struggle carrying around this baby inside me. I feel fat as fuck and unattractive although Chris said otherwise. I laid down on the bed and turned the tv on to watch my soap operas. Junior began kicking and moving up a storm inside me making me uncomfortable.

Nina: I guess you're up and hungry. Making mommy uncomfortable. You're lucky I love you.

I swear I think he's gonna be a dancer just like his father. It really felt like he was dancing inside of me. He eventually stopped and I slowly fell asleep.



When I woke up, I stared at my stomach and couldn't believe in a month I would be a mother. I was proud of myself making it this far. Jason was sound asleep next to me. I was glad to have him especially now when I need someone. I just met him and I wanted to be serious with him but I just couldnt. I had severe trust issues since Chris treating me the way he did

Jason: Good Morning Baby.

Tasha: Good Morning. How'd you sleep?

Jason: Awesome because I was next to you.

Tasha: Glad to hear that.

Jason: Baby I have a question.

Tasha: What?

Jason: You want any more children?

Tasha: I don't even have the first Jay.

Jason: You want kids with me?

Tasha: I don't know.

Jason: What do you mean you don't know?

Tasha: I don't know Jason.

Jason: I'm tired of you doing this and acting like I'll hurt you. I'm out. Call me when you're serious.

What just happened? Jason really didn't have to act like that. I'm just unsure of everything else besides being a good mother right now. He stormed out before I could say anything. You would swear he was the pregnant one.

It was amazing to me how Amelia only moved or responded when Chris spoke to her. Speaking of the devil, Chris came to check up on me and Amelia and guess what? She started kicking up a storm.

Chris: Hey Tash. How's Amelia?

Tasha: Well you're here so she's kicking up a storm.

Chris: Well I just came to check on you guys. I gotta go to the studio. You need anything?

Tasha: No I'm Fine.

Chris: Ok Bye.

Tasha: Chris?

Chris: Yea?

Tasha: Thanks for being here for me.

Chris: No problem.

It felt nice to have Chris care so much about us. Everything was exactly how.it was supposed to be except for the fact that Jason just abandoned me but I wasn't stressing. I just went to take a shower and go baby shopping.

*Chris' POV*


I pulled into the neighbourhood seeing siren  lights and wondered what the hell happened. I pulled out my phone and seen 27 missed calls from Nina. When I pulled up, I went inside and Nina was nowhere to be found. I went over to Tasha's to ask what was up but the police stopped me.

Police: Sir you can't go in there.

Chris: What's going on?

Police: Sir I can't disclose that to you.

Chris: But the girl that lives here is pregnant with my baby and I live next door with my pregnant girlfriend who isn't there.

Police: Oh Sir. I regret to inform you but someone came to rob her and she defended herself. She was shot. They took her to the hospital like an hour ago.

Chris: What?!? Is she ok? Is the baby ok?

Police: I don't know sir. I'm sorry. This is a crime scene, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

I rushed to the hospital hoping everything was alright and i still don't know where Nina is. Everything was perfect and it took a turn for the worst so quickly.

**A/N: .....

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