26 {Twenty- Six}

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*5 Months Later*


5 months passed since I spoke to Chris. I told him call me when he grew up but he never did. I was really disappointed in him. I was staying with Tasha now. We were like roommates now.

We moved out of the place Chris got her as a way of telling him We don't need him. We passed by and saw it was for sale. Chris was making all the wrong moves and it upset me.

Tasha: Still no word from Chris?

Nina: No. It's been five months. He missed most of the pregnancy. I give birth in two months.

Tasha: Why not call him?

Nina: cause I don't want to talk to him until he grows up.

Tasha: But Nina. We need him.

Nina: I know *sigh* I'm still not calling him. Doesn't he care about his babies?

Tasha: I don't know but we have each other right?

Nina: Right.

Tasha: He'll come around eventually.

Nina: I hope so Tasha. You seem happy.

Tasha: I met someone.

Nina: Really? What's his name?

Tasha: Jason. I met him online

Nina: Does he know you're pregnant?

Tasha: Yea. He wanted to meet me because it didn't matter but it matters to me so I said after I had the baby.

Nina: I'm really happy for you Tash.

Tasha: Thanks love.

Nina: We have our doctor's appointment today.

Tasha: oh yea. I forgot. Let's get ready then.


It had been five months. I know I let too much time pass but I wanted to be sure I was a better person before I called. I remember how I felt that night and I was certain I never wanted to feel that way again.

But now that I'm sure I want to be there for Nina & Tasha. They moved out so I sold the old place. It wasn't very baby friendly anyway. I bought Tasha a place that was gonna remind her of home in London and I was selling my house to buy a more family friendly house.

I had Nina and Tasha's doctor appointment dates and today was the day i surprise them. I wasn't sure if they wanted to see me. I was such an asshole to Tasha and Nina didn't like it so she left and I couldn't blame her.

When I got there, I saw Nina's car and I was excited yet scared. I didn't know how they would react. Nina was 7 months and Tasha was 6. Their hormones probably fucked up. I got to the front desk, gave my name and they told me the room to go to. I got to the door and hesitated to knock for a moment.


Halfway through my ultrasound, there was a knock on the door. Who knocks in the middle of an ultrasound? The doctor was busy so he told Nina to open the door. I seen her open the door and her eyes open wide.

Nina: Baby?

Chris: Hey my love. Sorry I took so long. I wanted to make sure before I came back to you.

Nina: Baby you're finally here I missed you.


Nina: Don't ever leave us again.

Chris: Was that necessary?

Nina: Yes. Yes it was.

Tasha: Hey Chris

Chris: Tasha... I'm sorry for how I treated you.

Tasha: It's okay. Look there's your daughter.

He looked at the monitor shocked yet happy. It made me very happy to see him finally accept us.

Doctor: Nina, you're due in two months and Tasha You in three. Your babies are perfectly healthy.

Tasha & Nina(in unison): Thank you Doctor.

Chris: Baby can you come home? I've grown up I really have.

Nina: I'll come later. I missed you.

Chris: I moved. I bought us houses next to each other so Tasha could be next door. I could take you later.

Tasha: Wow Chris. I'm impressed. You've really changed.

Nina: I'm proud of you.

Chris: Thanks baby and thanks Tasha.

As we left, we all conversed catching up on stuff. It was weird but we all like a family or something.

Nina: Baby Tasha got a man.

Chris: Oh really?

Tasha: He's not my man... yet.

Chris: He's a lucky guy. Look I gotta go to the studio and start working. I'll pick you guys up later and take you to the houses.

Nina: Ok baby. Love you.

Chris: Love you too. Bye Tasha.

Tasha: Bye.

Nina was so happy that Chris was back. She was smiling ear to ear.

Tasha: Nina aren't your cheeks hurting with all that smiling?

Nina: Shut up Tasha.

Tasha: He really stepped. Spent so much time planning for us.

Nina: And you thought he didn't care.

Tasha: That was you love.

Nina: Yea yea yea whatever. He proved me wrong and I'm proud of him.

Nina was so nice to me and she didn't have to be but the truth is I still had feelings for Chris but I would not say anything out of respect for them. I couldn't wait to meet Jason though. He was so perfect and he cared for me and didn't care that I was pregnant.

**A/N: This chapter is so lame to me. I don't really like it. Nina and Tasha are like besties now or whatever.

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