25 {Twenty-Five}

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Why would she ask me to fuck her? Why did I actually want to do it? I don't know but I knew I wasn't gonna do it. I loved my baby too much and I would never do anything to hurt her.

Chris: Why you wanna fuck me? I'm not all that Tasha.

Tasha: You are to me bab- I mean Chris.

Chris: Why'd you come here if you were gonna do this?

Tasha: I didn't plan this Chris. This is very awkward for me but I can't control how I feel.

Chris: You better learn how to control this.

Tasha: Chris, she'll never know.

She climbed into my lap and kissed me and I kissed back but only because she reminds me of Nina So much. She reached in my pants for my dick. She was not taking no for an answer.

Chris: Tasha stop.

Tasha: Please Chris. I need you.

Chris: I understand and I would have done it of it wasn't for Nina. She's all I really have, Tasha and I'll lose her if I do this.

Tasha: She's all you have? What about me? What about our baby? Don't we mean anything to you?

Chris: I never said that.

Tasha: But you fucking meant it.

Chris: Don't put fucking words in my mouth.

Tasha: I am fucking alone with your baby and you give her all your attention. When are you gonna be here for me?

Chris: I was here all day yesterday and I was gonna be here tomorrow but I don't know now. You decided to be a bitch so I changed my mind.

At that moment I felt two of the hardest slaps strike across my face back and forth. I really hurt Tasha But She had to learn. I was Nina's.

Chris: Tasha I'm sorry.

Tasha: Get the fuck out.

Chris: Don't be like that. I said I was sorry.

Tasha: Chris, I know you don't love me but I love you and it hurts me that you treat me like shit and treat her like a queen. I'm not asking for what you have with her but respect me more. Get out.

I felt really bad. I had been an asshole. Seeing Tasha crying made me feel like the worst person ever and she said she loved me.....


What was taking Chris so long? I was hungry as fuck. I got up to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while I waited. At that moment, Chris came through the door.

Chris: Here's your ice cream. They didn't have pickles.

Nina: It's ok baby. What's wrong?

Chris: Tasha called me and said she needed me.

Nina: What's the problem?

Chris: She said she loved me and to have sex with her one last time.

Nina: You fucked her?!?

Chris: No. This pregnancy really changed you. What happened to the sweet sensitive girl? Now you all ready to fuck shit up. Beat everybody. Forcing me to do shit

Nina: Chris who the f-.... I'm sorry baby. What's wrong?

Chris: Well I told her no and how you were all I had and I wouldn't lose you again and she said what about her and the baby and blah blah blah

Nina: What did you say to her Chris? Don't tell me blah blah blah. Be specific.

He looked at me for a couple of seconds hesitant to speak like he was a teenager about to explain how he got in trouble to his parents

Chris: I told her I was not going with her tomorrow because she was being a bitch and she started crying and put me out.

I was shocked at what Chris had done. I was really disappointed in him. Slapping the back of his head I responded

Nina: Chris! Why would you say that and abandon her like that? Remember when that dude called me a bitch when we were on that date? You hit him and when to jail for a night. But It's Tasha so it's ok if she's a bitch. I'm really disappointed in you. I can't even look at you. I'm going back to my parents.

Chris: Wait baby(GCO)

Nina: No Chris. I'm tired of your shit. You treat me so good and every other female like sluts and hoes and bitches. Call me when you grow up.

I just left. I didn't pack any bags or anything. I had stuff at my parents' house. I made my way but I decided to make a detour.


I had been crying my eyes out since Chris left. I shouldn't be feeling this way about him but his charm got to me. It was hard not to love Chris.

Crying my eyes out and grabbing my stomach, I said to my unborn child "He probably thinks you're not his. He's the only man I've been with in months. It could only be him. I'm sorry he won't accept us but at least we have each other. I have a feeling you're gonna be a girl. My Beautiful baby girl. "

I didn't find out the gender until tomorrow but I could feel it. At that moment, I heard a knock on my door.

Tasha: Who could that be at 11 in the night?

Nina: Hey Tasha.

Tasha: I'm sorry I came onto Chris. I could control myself. I- (GCO)

Nina: You love him? I understand. After he explained what went on here, I left the house and it was hard for me to do with his charm. Hard to stay mad at him. I was on the way to my parents and I thought I could talk to you. Can I come in?

Tasha: Sure. What's up?

Nina: I'm sorry for how Chris treats you.

Tasha: Its okay.

Nina: No it's not. He treats me like a queen and you like filth. What type of example it that for our children?

Tasha: I'm sorry again for trying to have sex with him.

Nina: It's okay. You don't have anyone right now. By the way you found out the sex of the baby yet?

Tasha: No. That's tomorrow.

Nina: I could come with you as support seeing that Chris is being a douche.

Tasha: Why are you so nice to me? An hour ago I came onto your man.

Nina: I understand. I'm pregnant too. I'm hormonal and horny.

Tasha: You're such a good person.

Nina: Thank you. If Chris is not here for you imma be here for you. That's my son's brother or sister you carrying.

Tasha: I have a feeling it's a girl so sister and you're having a boy?

Nina: Yea. I haven't told Chris because he wanted to be surprised but I had to know.

Tasha: Thank you for being here for us Nina.

Looking at my stomach, I rubbed it and said "I guess we're not alone after all baby."

Nina: You mind if I stay with you tonight? We could chat some more and honestly I don't want to leave you alone.

Tasha: of Course.

Nina was gonna be here for me now and I was so grateful for that but I was still sad because Chris wouldn't be here for me.

**A/N: I started writing longer chappies for yall. Next Chapter I'm flashing forward a couple months. Just to inform you all. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for reading. Imma try to update Secret Love tonight too but no promises. :)

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