Chapter 24 - Sweet Nightmares

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Nina: I can’t believe we forgot about the symbol, at all.

Eddie: If he did went to the library, just after we left…

Nina: Let’s hope he’s in there right now, looking for it, and not what we think is happening.

Fabian: What happens if he isn’t there?

Eddie: We can start worrying.

Patricia: Worrying about what?

Patricia and Amber followed Eddie after he ran, Joy coming along beside them as well. She was hidden in the kitchen, overhearing everything.

Nina: Remember what happened at the library? And why we had to bring Fabian in here?

Amber: The lights started going out.

Nina: Because something was about to happen, due to Fabian and I being together again.

Patricia: So?

Eddie: Jerome asked us, well me, about looking up for the symbol Joy has in her head. I completely forgot about that.

Amber: I still don’t get it.

Nina: We think he might have gone into the library, just after we left.

Eddie: Now, he isn’t answering his phone, and he isn’t home.

Patricia: So you think he went over there and is in trouble now?

Nina: There’s a good chance he is.

Joy gasped. She walked to the room, now open.

Joy: Where exactly is Jerome?

Eddie and Nina tried hiding Fabian from her, but she came in before they had a chance. Joy looked at him, with teary eyes.

Fabian: You must be… Joy.

Joy: Yes, don’t you remember?

Eddie: He lost his memory, remember?

Nina looked at Eddie. They never told her about Fabian losing his memory. At all.

Joy: He lost it?

Eddie sighed.

Fabian: I did, after hitting my head in the river.

Nina: Joy, promise us that you won’t tell anyone about him. Especially Emily.

Joy: I won’t, don’t worry.

Patricia: Everyone knows except for her and Willow, if you realize.

Eddie was confused.

Eddie: What do you mean, Yacker?

Patricia: Alfie went missing, Victor hasn’t come in days, Maddy’s never here anymore, and Mara left so much time ago.

Eddie: And now there’s a good chance Jerome is as well.

Joy: What do you think happened to him?

Nina: I say we hurry up, to look for him at the library. We leave Fabian where he’s going to be picked up, and we come back in here. Let’s hope he’s still there.

Fabian frowned.

Fabian: I told you, I’m staying here.

Nina: And I told you, you must go. It isn’t safe in here.

Eddie: I’d take care of him.

Nina: No, Eddie. He can’t be under the same roof where we both are. He must go back, act normal with Emily and her mother, and when the time is right he’d come back and stay. I don’t want to put him in danger again, until we know for sure Senkhara is back and where exactly is she. Or what are her plans at all.

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