"When you and Allison were sorta together, Scott was definitely jealous. But I don't think he was jealous because Allison was with you, I think he was jealous because you were with Allison. You guys have a connection. And I think that you should go for it. Don't loose your chance at love." Stiles tells him. And honestly, he has sensed a connection between the two werewolves. And he'd do anything to make sure his friends are happy.

Isaac smelled Theo's scent and knew that he should leave. If Stiles is helping him be happy, he's gonna make sure Stiles is happy.

"I should go. Uh, I'm gonna go talk to Scott." Isaac said getting up.

"Ok. Good luck!" Stiles smiled at his friend.

Isaac walked out of the house to Theo's car.

"Look Theo, I don't know you that well. But what I do know is that you two make each other really happy. And all I want is for Stiles to be happy. So go talk to him." Isaac says to the chimera.

Theo just nods his head and Isaac walks away.

Theo hesitantly walks to the door.

"Ok. Just breathe Theo. He wants to see you. You love him and he loves you." Theo tells himself.

Theo finally knocks on the door and thought about running away until he heard Stiles get out of bed.

Once Stiles opens the door he's surprised so see Theo. But he's definitely happy. They stand there looking for each other for at least 2 minutes.

"Kiss me." Stiles instructs. 


Theo then grabs his face and shuts the door. 

Stiles immediately jumps up and Theo carries them both up the stairs into Stiles room. 

Theo carefully puts Stiles on the bed as Theo gets on top of him and grinds there erections together. They take off each others shirts and Theo moves down to Stiles neck sucking hickeys on the boys skin. Stiles lets out embarrassing moans as Theo goes down his chest and back up to his lips. 

Theo starts to undo stiles belt but he stops him. 

"Theo. Theo stop." The boy said.

"What? What's wrong? Are you ok?" 

"I can't have sex with you." 


"Hey Scott." Isaac says as he walks into the alpha's room. 

"Hey." Scott smiles.

"Ok, so, I'm gonna do something really crazy but I just really hope that you don't throw me against the wall." Isaac takes a deep breath and finally does it. He finally kisses Scott.

Scott looks into the beta's closed eyes and kisses back.  

"Why'd you do that?" Scott asks as they break away.

"Stiles said to not lose my chance in love. And I haven't had a lot of that lately."

"Oh god, Stiles is being so annoying. He's being such a drama queen. I mean, it's not like there gonna go behind our backs at some point! I did what was right!" Scott screams.

"No Scott, you did what you thought was right. Your best friend is hurting right now and you need to understand that not every things about you!"

"I don't even know if I can trust him! I mean he killed someone! Self defence or not it's wrong!"

"You trust me and I killed someone!" Isaac accidentally lets out.

I Care. Steo. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now