22 - Retrieving Solace

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There it was. The great walls that engulfed all of Konoha. We were on the easternmost side of it. Staring at the outside.

"So when is this guy going to get here? Un." Deidara sat by a tree, fixing his hair into a ponytail.

"Don't worry he'll be here soon." I stood gazing at the top of the wall. "I told him to be here at noon so he should be here around nine or ten."

"That would make him late by ten hours." Deidara spoke.

"Yeah but if I told him to be here at ten he wouldn't have come till tomorrow." I heard a scuffle on the other side of the wall. "Here he is."

Kakashi's face peered over the edge of the wall, giving me a friendly wave. He threw a rope down, and signaled for me to go up.

"So Deidara, you are going to stay here while I go and get the project okay." He looked up at me and grunted in response as he slowly lulled to sleep. I gripped the rope, and hauled myself up the wall. Watching as the ground became further from me. The wind blustered up on the top. I was greeted with Kakashi helping me up.

"Who were you talking to down there?" He shoved his hands in his pockets, and slouched where he stood.

"No one." I walked past him to the opposite side of the wall. The insides of Konoha spilling out before me.

"I don't know why you are here, but whatever reason you had to sneak in isn't my business." He looked at me with curiosity. "I payed you the favor, but if you need any more help just ring me." He handed me a summoning scroll that had his name on in.

"That's not how it works." I rubbed my finger across the red binding.

"Well don't tell anyone, it's something special I made." He held a finger up to his mask, and supposedly winked at me. He pulled up the rope, and slung it over the opposite side. "After you."

"I don't need that." With a smile I fell to the bottom. Maneuvering my feet far apart to take some of the impact away. A spike of adrenaline corsed through me. A wind rustling the leaves. The instant I made contact with the ground I dashed to a nearby tree. Climbing up it, and using the familiar roads of Konoha to find my lab.

The night shaded my movements, and only a sparse populi of the village were still awake. I passed houses with lights dimly lit, and husbands walking back to their wives. The nip in the air settling my breath at the bottom of my lungs.

The stars of eternity shown above, and the cycle of life beneath me. The energy flowing inside me fueling my feet to keep moving, even when they ached from days of travel. Kakashi was in the back of my mind. Only the thoughts of retrieving Oublier taking top priority. With a shuddering halt I stood at the back of the lab. My breath ragged, and my back slouched. I prepared for the worst, and felt my muscles grow tense with the anticipation of confrontation.

I strode cautiously to the back door. Slipping into the lab. It smelled of dust, and old cleaner fluids. It looked almost untouched besides the door handles being clean. Dust and dirt had settled in the nooks and crannys. Moonlight filtering through the highest windows. I noticed the documents at the front desk were gone. They probably took them.

Walking over to the infirmary that we slept in, I lifted one of the thin mattresses to retrieve a key. I hope they haven't gotten into the lab. I grabbed a bag, and made my way to the main lab. I noticed the handle had scratches on it. I jiggled the handle.

Still locked.

Thank goodness. I slowly turned the key into the handle. It clicked, and I rushed in. Quickly filling my bag with papers, and the sort. Grabbing the notes of Orochimaru, and Kabuto. Grabbing 12 syringes of the regenerating liquid, and some left over C4 clay. Then I finally got to the chemical fume hood. There it sat. Project Oublier. It cultured, and festered with such power. I have no time to test it, nor do I need to. I . . .

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching the room. Crap, I didn't lock the door! Quickly shoving Oublier in my bag, I opened one of the windows. Then I heard the click. I was just about to jump out the window, when I heard someone speak my name.

"(F/N)? What is really going on?" It was Kakashi.

"I was just leaving." I stay crouched. In a defensive position.

"Earlier one of the scouts said they saw Akatsuki come in here." He stepped forward. "You are definitely hiding something from everyone."

"I can't tell you everything, but just know that I will be calling you." I inched forward out the window. "When I do it will mean trouble so be ready." He reached out a hand to me, and I jumped.

It wasn't a far fall, but I dashed in and out of sight. Sprinting to the walls, and climbing up the rope. It sure would help a lot if I had gone to become a ninja. I just had to be a physically unfit scientist! My breath clouded past me, and my lungs burned with the chill. Slipping a few times I heard Kakashi yelling behind me.

"(F/N)! You can't keep running forever!" He shouted. I couldn't reply. Reaching the top, I threw a bag over the side and I screamed.

"Deidara!" Sprinting across the top, I felt air whiz past me, a shuriken falling on the other side of the wall. Kakashi was right behind me. He almost had me. I remember being so afraid that he would reach out and grab me. He would thwart everything. My future with Deidara, my chance at a better life. My breathing slowed. I swear every time I remember it I think of how my heart stopped. Until I saw the air blow me away. It took the breath out of my lungs. A grand white bird soaring in front of me, the moonlight illuminating each careful curve. Deidara standing on top reaching out a hand to me. We smiled. Kakashi still behind me I reached out and grasped Deidara's hand. I dangled a bit before he started to fly away toward the Akatsuki base.

After settling I wrapped my arms tentatively around Deidara.

"Thank you." I smiled into his shoulder.


I looked behind me to see Kakashi still looking at us from the wall. He even waved a little. I waved back, and we flew off into the night.

Oliver Here~ So yeah a new update yay! I really just want to say thank you to everyone reading this because you know, it just makes my day. Lol needless to say you guys are great. I ain't got much to say right now cuz doooood im tired like 24/7 lol I hope you enjoyed the new chapter, and I'm sorry if you ever see edited chapters and think they are new chapters cuz when I go to reply to comments I will find some things I want to change, and I can't help myself. Lol Hope you all had a good and have an even better one tomorrow.

Abandonment 《Deidara X Reader》Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora