Damon Speech

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My school does this thing where we need to write these speeches based on our opinions or whatever. It needs to be like 5 paragraphs long and have a thesis statement. The thesis statement will be underlined because someone told me it was hard to tell what my thesis statement was.

I decided I wanted to post it here (on my crappiest fic) because I wanted feedback. Tell me what you think (its not the greatest but my friend loved it so yay)

This may be a touchy subject to you because I did mine on religion.

Disclosure: I am in no way saying religion is a bad thing (nor am I saying it's a good thing, I tried to be biased on religion itself)

Here goes nothing:

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion." This is a quote from our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. I think that because religion dictates a lot of people's moral standards, it is confused with morality. Then a lot of non-religious people are thought to be immoral. Moral dictation and morality are not the same thing, because a lack of religion does not represent a lack of morality.
Since the beginning of our lives we've been taught about morality. At the end of children's books there is usually the moral of the story, the lesson learned. Like in "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" the moral of the story was to not tell lies. As we grow up we learn the difference between right and wrong starting with small things like, "Don't pull people's hair, it's not nice." Later we learn how to be kind and have integrity. Life is a story, and morality is the lesson we need to learn by the end.
Different religions have different moral views. Each religion is different; some are similar but a lot of them have very different aspects of morality. Some religions say it's immoral to be LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, etc.) and I'm all for respecting someone's opinion, as long as their opinion doesn't disrespect another person's existence. Religion is faith, and I believe that faith is a very important thing because everyone needs something to believe in. But faith isn't what makes someone a good person. It's the choices we make. And that's something I think is worth believing in.
Religious morality is fueled by fear of being sent to Hell in death, or not being able to enter Heaven. But non-religious morality is fueled by the law, or they were taught the difference between right and wrong. But if religion measures morality, then people who kill in the name of their religion can be considered more moral than atheists that run book clubs and pay electric bills. Right? I don't think so, morality is based on your standards as a human being. The only difference between a religious person and a non-religious person is what they believe in.
Religion is someone's faith, their belief in a higher power. Morality is knowing the difference between right and wrong. Religion may dictate many people's moral standards but it's not what makes you a good person, because a lack of religion does not represent a lack of morality.

OKAY! Tell me what you think!

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