14 Years

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They were watching Titanic at Cas' house. Like the sensible 14 year old boys they were.

"Wow Jack is hot," said Dean staring at the screen with a dreamy look in his eye.

"Wow Dean, how gay are you?"


"Wait what?" Castiel turned to face Dean who was still looking at the screen.

"Oh right, did I not mention I'm gay?"

Cas just looked at Dean and shrugged, "Oh, ok," he said turning back to the screen.

Dean seemed calm but inside he was a nervous wreck. Freaking smooth. Oh shut up you couldn't have don't it better. We are literally the same person dude. Did you see how he reacted? Maybe he likes you. You're only saying that because you're my gay thoughts for him. Maybe. Oh god I'm going bat shit.

Cas continued to watch the screen intently.

"Rose is hot too."

Dean gulped. Ok yeah he definitely doesn't like you. Or your gender to be specific. No shit Sherlock. Fuck you Watson.

"Hey Cas?"


"Well since I told you that I liked guys, can you tell me who you like?" Jesus Christ he's gonna see right through us. Shut up!

"Oh, um yeah I think I'm sticking with straight," said Cas looking extremely uncomfortable.

"Oh, ok. Hey Cas?"


"You know you're my best friend right?"

"Of course, and you're mine."

Dean smiled even though his heart had literally sunk past his shoes and into the carpet.

"Hey Dean?"


"I'm dying my hair purple tomorrow."

"Oh rightttt, I forgot."

Cas had gotten his cartilage pierced just like he said. His mom had reluctantly agreed to let him to the hair. Chuck just sighed and said "I'm gonna have a purple haired child," before walking off.

Oh god I like Cas. Wait you're just figuring this out? Why have I been here for the last three years then?! I've been asking myself the same question. Wow, so rude.

Around 30 minutes later Cas drifted off. Dean wrapped a blanket around him. He kissed his forehead and whispered, "Sleep well, Angel," before drifting off himself.

What do ya think? I'm sorry if this sounds like Drunk on You, I'm not tryna copy. I'll make it different I promise.

Just a Word (Destiel w/ some Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now