Bitches Be Crazy (Age 18)

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Cas had walked out of the cafeteria after he saw Dean and Lisa making out. Again. Wasn't Dean gay? What a fucking liar.

He sat on the roof of the school. It was flat and the was a small border around the area so students didn't fall over. Cas was sitting on the border smoking.

He heard the door open and he saw Lisa walking towards him, fuming.


Cas' ears perked up. What had Charlie done?

"Hmm?" said Cas, showing mild interest.

"That red head told Dean you were single and he dumped me! For you! In what world does that make sense!" she screeched.

"Okay first of all, her name is Charlie. Second, it makes a lot of sense seeing as you're a bitch," he said calmly.

"And you're just a fag."

Cas frowned, turned around to face Lisa, and slapped her across the face.

"Well you know what they say, haters are my motivators, skank," he snapped.

She looked at him, shocked, holding the side of her face that he slapped. She ran away and out the door crying. Serves her right.

"Bitches be crazy," he mumbled.

Moments later Dean came running up the stairs.


Cas sniffed when he saw Dean. Had he really dumped Lisa for him?

"Cas, I love you, I always have, always will. And if you want I'll come out. Just please, baby, forgive me."

Cas froze. Dean still loved him. DEAN STILL LOVED HIM.


Cas grabbed Dean by the front of his jacket and crashed their lips together. Dean smiled into the kiss.

When they pulled away Dean licked his lips. "Have you been smoking?"

"What? Pfff, no."

Just as Dean was about the come up with some wise ass response, Lisa happened. She pushed Cas, not that hard but he was standing by the edge of the roof.




The building was two stories tall. Lisa screamed and ran away. Dean's eyes widened as he tried to process what just happened. He ran down the stairs as fast as he possibly could, almost falling twice. He got the the bottom and saw Cas. He was smart, he was lying in the fetal position, covering his head.

Dean ran over to him, he was unconscious but alive. Dean started to cry as he picked up Cas' limp body and carried him to the Impala. While he was driving to the hospital a song came on the radio.

Carry on my wayward son.

There'll be peace when you are done.

Lay your weary head to rest.

Don't you cry no more.

Just a Word (Destiel w/ some Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now