Bitter Endings, New Beginnings

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It had been 2 days since the big breakup. Needless to say, Dean was a wreck. But he had a plan, a plan to get Cas back.

He got to school early to initiate his plan but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the last thing he had ever wanted to see. Cas. Making. Out. With. Meg. Dean blinked, then ran in the opposite direction. Oh shit. Well that just happened. SHUT THE FUCK UP!

The rest of the day sucked ass. Cas and Meg were the school's new gossip. They were always holding hands or kissing or whatever and EVERYONE was talking about it. Dean sighed. That could have been him. That should have been him if he wasn't so freaking stupid.

Cas was walking down the hall. Earlier that day he had been crying in the bathroom. Meg already knew he and Dean were together but she hadn't know about the breakup. Meg walked in when she heard muffled sobs. She didn't really like boundaries so she always just waltzed into the boys bathroom. She had comforted Cas and he told her what happened. Then he kissed her. Cas hadn't really ever liked Meg like that but maybe he just needed someone to help him get over Dean. She told him she didn't wanna be a rebound but he just shook his head and kissed her again. That's how this whole Megstiel, as Charlie was calling it, had started.

He looked down at his shoes. This is the first time he had been alone today, he started to feel sad again. Someone tapped him on the shoulder bringing him or of his thoughts. It was Dean. "Cas... I-I um... I'm so sorry," he whispered. Tears welled in his eyes. Cas put on a strong suit. "Well, bitter endings, new beginnings right?" he hissed before walking away. As soon as Dean couldn't see his face anymore he started to cry.

As soon as Cas saw Charlie he ran to her and hugged her as tight as he could, crying him to her shoulder. She hugged him back instantly and rubbed circles into his back. "It hurts, it hurts so bad," he whimpered. "Shhh, I know, I know,"
she whispered, trying to comfort him. And at that moment she decided that Destiel needed to get back together. And she was gonna make it happen, or die trying.

Just a Word (Destiel w/ some Sabriel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum