Chapter: 20... Past Revealed

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Joy's POV (7:00 pm)

"Ah! I am tired". I lazily unlocked the door & kept my bag on the table & walked towards the refrigerator for water.

*knock* *knock*

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I turned my body backwards & I saw Hanbin with two cups of coffee in his hand.

"Oh! Hanbin. Get inside". I invited him in.

He smiled,"Drink this. You will feel better"

I smiled back & we both sat on the couch facing each other.

"What did coach say about my request?". I asked him as I took a sip of my coffee.

Hanbin sighed. "He said that he is training someone that day. It will be difficult for him to go to Busan but he will try his best. "

"Ahh! But the doctor really asked me to bring Coach. If he won't go then it will be difficult to make a medical certificate & I won't be able to participate in the competition"

"Gwenchana. He will come. You are his favorite student. Don't worry & give your arm a rest. Don't swim for few days. It will get alright"

Hanbin kept his empty cup on the table & suddenly placed his palm on my forehead. I was shocked for a while because of the sudden skin ship, so I gently moved his hand away from my forehead.

"Oh.. Miahn. Actually I was trying to measure your fever"

"I feel a lot better than before. Thanks for worrying". I gave an awkward smile & he smiled back facing the floor.

"Um! Wait here. I will just get freshen up & come. Until then wait for me in the lobby. I will be right back".

I quickly shoved my side bag on my shoulder but unfortunately all of my things inside the bag dropped down on the floor.

"Ah! Let me help you". Hanbin bent down towards the floor & helped me to pick my things.

"Isn't she that blondie of Elite University? But, Who is this guy with her?"

I quickly snatched the photograph from his hand." It's nothing" . I ran towards my bedroom & locked the door.

I panted hard & wiped the sweat on my forehead.

I glanced the picture in my hand & a memory from the past came to me.


Few years back, We had a trip with all the students of Engineering department. It was a small trip to river side. We all were kind off excited for it because it was our first trip together but I wasn't happy at all. 1 week before, I had breakup with Taehyung because he got to know that I was two timing with him & Sungjae for their money. I belonged from a very poor family. I was very good in sports, especially in swimming. A lot of opportunity came to me but I never had enough money to take part in it. So, that was reason for me dating the two of them.

I knew that I was wrong for playing with their feelings but I had no choice. People call me a bitch for cheating them but I am not ashamed at all for what I did. I only pity the two guys I dated.

"Students! Get inside the bus. Keep your bag packs safely with you cause we won't be responsible for it"

We all got inside the bus one by one. From a distance I saw Irene & Taehyung laughing & pulling each others hair.

"Bitch". I muttered.

Suddenly a girl passed by my side & pushed me but thank God a pair of hand caught me.

"Joy. Gwenchana? Did you get hurt?"

"Piss off Sungjae". I quickly removed his hands away from my waist.

"Let her be Sungjae. I wonder why she came to this trip after all the scenes she created". Seulgi scoffed & sat on her seat.

I quietly sat on my seat until we reached our destination. After few hours the bus stopped & we all got down.

All of the students were laughing & enjoying their holiday but I was the only one sitting alone on a river side away from everyone & it was all because of Irene. If she wouldn't have been too nosy with mine & Taehyung's relationship then I guess everything would have been alright. She loves being nosy.

"That insolent bitch". I grabbed a pebble & threw it on the river.

"Who are you cursing at?". A voice behind my back spoke. I faced the owner of the voice & scoffed at her sight.

"Leave me alone. Will you?". I stood up & started walking far from her.

When I was walking a hand pulled me tightly."Don't blame me for your mistake. It was all your fault & I was just trying to protect my best friend from you. Got that?". Irene twisted my wrist, pushed me on the ground & thew some money on my face.

"Go & show your wrist to a nice doctor since you don't have any money". She said & started walking towards the camp.

Anger grew inside me & I just not able to control it. I grabbed a rock tightly & got up from the ground.

"Irene!". I shouted in anger.

She turned back to face me & I thew the rock towards her face. It hit her hard & she fell down on the ground. She grabbed her head in pain & saw that it was bleeding. I took a stick which was near me & started to hit her. She was shouting in pain. I knew that the people in the camp will be coming soon because of the noise but I didn't care for anything.

"Die Irene. Just Die!!!". I shouted.

I didn't know what was happening. I was just not in my scenes. The only thing that I knew was that I was angry & that I wanted to kill the girl in front of me. She was bleeding & unconscious but I still continued to hit her.

I saw people from the camp approaching us. I was shivering from head to toe. I left the stick from my hand & started running away from them. Soon the road came into my sight. I ran towards the road but unfortunately I tripped down. When I got up, I saw a truck in front of me. The driver was honking but nothing worked & the truck hit me hard & I flew above the sky & got down hitting the front glass of the truck & rolled down to the ground.

My vision got blurry. I was only able to see the people from the camp & Sungjae approaching me until I closed my eyes.

I thought everything ended. I felt a sense of peace & silence all around me.

I don't remember how I am still alive. When I wrote up, I was in Los Angeles with Coach Choi in front of me. Coach Choi was my trainer before all these things happened. He gave a new life to me. He helped me a lot with my shoulder injury. I thought I will never be able to swim again but with him everything was possible.

I blame everything to Irene. I know that I am wrong. I nearly killed her but because of her even I was in the verse of dying. I just didn't have any other way. For my better future I had to date them. Call me a bitch or whatever. I don't care. I know what I've faced in my life. Everyday was a day of torture for me. I feel guilty for playing with someone's feeling.

I am sorry for what I did to Irene that day but still I will never forget the things I had to face because of her.

End Of Flashback
- - -

A tear rolled down from my eyes. I quickly wiped it before it dropped down on the floor. I kept my bad down on the floor. I tore the photograph into tiny pieces & threw it in the dustbin.

I quickly took my cellphone out from my bag & messaged Irene.

To: Irene

Joy here. Meet me today at 9 pm near Han River.

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