"Anna's right. We have four hours before it actually happens," Nikkolai stated with clenched teeth as he watched Derek break out in a smile as he met up with the younger version of himself and Luke in the water.

"Ok, so what do you plan on doing?" Kenny questioned.

Nikkolai reached into his book bag, yanking out a potion he had swiped from Luke's stash, practically slamming it into Kenny's hands. This was the only way they could save the boy. There had been a body, there had been a funeral. Now there would be a restoration at the end of it all as long as they got Kas to drink the whole potion.

"So maybe your plan wasn't so ill conceived after all," Kenny smirked as he studied the potion in his hands, "but you still are a stupid fool for destroying our link to the present!"

"It was a risk I was willing to take," Nikkolai snapped as he eyed the boys playing in the water before his gaze traveled over to the teenage boys who were casting looks to the younger Anna as she flipped through a magazine, letting herself tan while sprawled across a towel in the sand.

If Devan liked me so much back then, why didn't he act nicer?

"Really, Anna?" Nikkolai snapped, "of all things to be angry about?"

Kenny shook his head as he studied the teenage boys who reminded him of two other pests that fought for Riley's attention too often whisking her away on dangerous adventures. This time, it was him on the adventure while she stayed behind with one of those pests keeping watch over her. He hoped he would be able to return soon to keep her safe and be by her side when she finally woke up. He knew he would be guilty if he wasn't around when his golden princess finally awoke.

"And now, Tree boy is brooding again," Nikkolai groaned, "I really picked the worst companions for this trip."

Anna hissed as she shot Nikkolai a cold look while Kenny rolled his eyes, storming further up on the beach to keep a closer eye on the group, hiding his face with a baseball cap as he switched over to a pair of swimming trunks, conjuring the chair and umbrella to take watch in.

Younger Anna studied the hot man sitting a few feet away from her, blushing before quickly averting her eyes when Kenny glared at her. Older Anna giggled as she transformed her outfit to a bikini, hiding her face behind a large pair of sunglasses and floppy hat. As long as they couldn't see the color of her eyes, her cover would be safe.

"Really, Anna?" Nikkolai snapped.

Might as well enjoy the beach while we are stuck here.

Nikkolai rolled his eyes, as he too changed into a pair of trunks, a straw hat and glasses to hide his facial features. Anna smirked as she eyed the tattoo on his chest that all high ranked Wizards were branded with. People would leave them alone, knowing a member of the task force was with them.

"Are you checking me out?" Nikkolai groaned.

No, I just find it hilarious that the tattoo will keep others from bothering us.

"Oh, yeah I guess you are right. It is pretty rare to see task force members enjoying a vacation."

Or ones so young.

"I'm physically older than you now! My birthday is next month while yours isn't until June!" He screamed. Anna gasped, realizing he was correct. However, for past Anna; the anniversary of Kas's death was that same day so if she looked at it that way, she was now older than Nikkolai.

"Anna, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that," Nikkolai snapped.

"Can you stop acting like children. You are worse than Riley and Luke," Kenny sighed as he shot threatening looks to the two teenagers.

I can't help he is a psycho.

Kenny smirked nodding his head in agreement. Anna was right, she couldn't help Nikkolai. Nikkolai snorted as he plopped down into the sand, crossing his arms as he glared at Derek playing with his younger self in the water before a vollyball came crashing into his face, breaking his concentration. He glanced up to see younger Anna standing there a devilish smirk on her face as she eyed both Nikkolai and older Anna.

"I apologize, may I have my volleyball back? It looks like the boys have roped me into a game of beach volleyball," young Anna sighed as she eyed the tattoo on his chest.

Is she really toying with us because of your status? I like little me.

Nikkolai blushed as he handed Anna the ball, "ugh its no problem."

"Hmm, I didn't know the Task force recruited such young Wizards now. You must be really strong," she grinned.

Yep, I definitely suspected something strange about us back then. Of course, I just assumed my father didn't trust us to babysit so sent some spies to keep an eye on us.

"ANNA!" Kas screamed as he waved her over. Young Anna winked before rushing off to join the boys. Nikkolai let out a sigh of relief as he glanced over at Anna and Kenny.

"That was close," he gasped.

"Anna, do you really remember us being there?" Kenny questioned.

Bits and pieces. Most of the small details escape this day after the tragedy that occurred.

"Ok, but I must admit, young you purposely let Nikkolai be hit knowing he works for the task force. She is rather devious."

"Stupid brat," Nikkolai grumbled as he crossed his arms in annoyance, "now I see where Luke learnt his devious ways from." 

Anna only giggled as she glanced over at the younger version of her brother, happily playing in the waves with the other two boys oblivious of the tragedy to befall his life.


Of the three boys: Luke, Derek, and Nikkolai, who do you think is the most reckless? Share your thoughts below!

Also, stay tuned for the next Chapter as we travel back to the present to the group rushing to the hospital to save Riley. Will they succeed in their plans, or will the mission end in disaster? 

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