Sarah and I both laughed and joined her cheering. Slowly but surely, Avery gets up and looks directly at Jenny a huge grin on his face. He jogs over to us and reaching up he pulls her towards him giving her a kiss before returning. Sarah and I shriek in excitement. My gaze turns to Christian and I give him an encouraging nod with a smile. This game is ours.


Fifteen minutes later and the final buzzer goes off. The final score 28-21. The team was able to catch up and win the game with three touchdowns. Everyone in the crowd was cheering and the team jumped excitingly giving each other hugs and high fives. Jenny, Sarah, and I joined the boys on the field.

"I knew you guys could do it!" I laughed jumping into Christian's arms. He swings me one full circle around before putting me down and kissing me hard on the lips.

"It's because you're my lucky charm." He said breaking the kiss making me blush.

"We have to celebrate tonight!" Sarah said breaking us up grabbing us in each of her arm.

We turn to Avery, Jenny and Tom and they all look just as excited and happy as us.

"We definitely have to!" Tom said.

"Agree!" said Jenny and Avery at the same time.

"Alright my place," Christian said.

"It's Amelia"

Christian's voice sounded from somewhere and we all look to see where the sound was coming from. On the score screen a video popped up.

"Are you going to tell her?" the Tom on the screen says.

"I didn't pretend to like her in the first place and you guys didn't pretend to befriend her just so we can expose her during the big game to the whole town" Screen Christian replies.

"How were we supposed to expose Amelia anyways? Grab a mic and call her down and then say just kidding we never liked you and you're not good enough for us. You're just a stupid bitch that we wanted to ruin. And when Avery started dating her best friend, that just ruined the whole plan anyways." Screen Sarah says and then giggle.

The scene of the four best friends, and their words replay over and over again on the big screen. I pulled my arms away from Sarah backing away from them. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing.

All their eyes were on me now, no not just them, the whole damn town. My body feels like it was being lit on fire and burn alive with their gazes. Hush whispers surrounded us. I looked into the eyes of each and every one of them, Sarah, Tom, Avery, and then Christian. Tears swelled up in my eyes at the sight of him. This can't be real. They all seem to be just as shock as I am, as if this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. I turn my gaze to Jenny who had step towards me, immediately I knew, she knew about it. I stepped away from her and she stop her advance towards me, looking as guilty as ever.

"Man, I knew it! You wouldn't fall for someone like her," a teammate smack Christian on the back smiling and breaking the silence.

I look at him, the tears I held falling down my face. He didn't react to the guy but instead steps towards me.

"Amelia," he whispered loud enough for me to hear. I took one step back. People all around me start making horrible remarks.

"She was never good enough for him."

"She's ugly as hell."

"She's fat."

"Christian played her."

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