Getting in i gave him a kiss on the cheek like I always do before putting my seatbelt on.

"What up Gbaby" He said pulling off not even looking at me

He probably talking to his girl.

Once we got on the E way he finally turned to look at me

"Fuck is you wearing" He yelled

I looked down at my outfit then back at him

"Clothes what else"

"Hell no, Nope I'm taking yo ass back so you can change"

"I'm not changing so if you take me back I'm going to go right back to sleep" I said

He smacked his teeth "Fine but you putting on a sweater i don't care how hot it is"

I rolled my eyes looking out the window.

Soon we pulled up to the mall.

"We going shopping" I squealed

If it's one thing about me i love to shop.

"Yeah and don't think yo ass paying for shit either" He said getting out the car

"But Marquise" I whined

"But Marquise nothing Goddess" He gave me a glare helping me out the car.

"Fine but ima buy the most expensive shit"

"Go ahead you know money ain't an issue"

He was right he has been selling drugs ever since he was 13 with his older brothers so he had money to blow since now he was one of the main people in charge but of course he still had to follow orders from some guy named Ghost that nobody has ever seen before.

I used to go with him to the trap when my parents used to take me every weekend to my grandma's. I'm not the type of girl most make me out to be. Just because of who my parents are doesn't mean I'm just like them. They're stuck up and want nothing to do with the poor. They even stopped talking to my grandma from my mom side because of where she stayed. I'm not an expert of the hood life or struggle but not so oblivious to it. Quise fills me in as much as he can so I can be some what street smart I guess.

We walked into the mall automatically getting stares from everyone. Of course guys staring at me like some candy and girls staring at Marquise like a piece of meat.

"I knew I should have take yo ass back home to change" he said mugging me

"Just ignore them" I said pulling his hand so we could get to our business

We hit up footlocker,Forever 21 and wet seal now i was dragging his ass to VS.

"My girl's going to meet us here in a bit" He said and i just nodded.



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