"Well it's going to be a good one, so get ready Hudson." He said with a smirk.

We drove in silence, not an awkward one, but comfortable silence. Harry turned on the music, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Here we are." Harry said quietly as we pulled into a relatively vacant parking lot. We both got out of the car, Harry went to the trunk, getting unknown items out of the back, as I took in my surroundings. We were clearly at a park, a small pond surrounded by grassed area was all I could see from where I stood.

"So, I was hoping we could have a picnic." He said while holding up all the necessary items for, you guessed it, a picnic.

"That's romantic Styles, is there going to be a violinist playing as well?" I said teasingly.

"Actually... Come on you arse." He said while carrying a basket and blanket.

He lead me to a random clearing by the pond, setting everything down. I helped him lay out the blanket before we both sat down on it.

"Alright so, being the amazingly great chef I am, I have prepared for you a fresh ham and cheese sandwich, or turkey if you're not into ham." He said with the cheesiest smile on his face, I laughed as he literally got out one ham and one turkey sandwich out of the basket.

"I'll take the ham, chef." I said, he smiled before getting out different condiments. I put mustard onto my sandwich before taking a bite out of it.

"This really deserves five stars." I said to Harry, he nodded as he tilted his head, taking a bite out of his turkey sandwich.

"Oh, and let's not forget our beverages. Tonight we are serving a special of lemonade juice boxes." He reached into the basket yet again, pulling out two juice boxes. "It was all we had at the house." He added.

As I took a sip of the lemonade, I looked up at the sky which was already filling with stars. They were bright and magnificent all at once just how they'd always been.

"I've always loved looking at the stars. My father used to let me use his telescope just to stare at them." I said.

"I've always tried to look for those, like, pattern things. You know the big scooper, or whatever? But I can never find them, it's quite disappointing." As he spoke I finished my sandwich and juice box before laying with my back down on the blanket. Harry quickly finished his meal before joining me.

"I'm actually pretty good with all the constellations, you know me being the nerd I am."

And so for the next half hour I showed Harry every constellation I could find in the night sky. He listened intently as I explained each one, sometimes getting confused about the shape each one made. He then told me several terrible knock knock jokes, which of course had me dying of laughter. Then it was kind of silent, as we both laid there staring up at the sky.

Harry turned on his side, elbow supporting his head as he peered over at me. He then began scooting closer to me, tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear. He began leaning down, minty breath fanning my face, and I swear all air left my body. Our lips merely brushed, sending electricity coursing throughout my entire being.

I jerked up at the sound of my phone going off, my forehead colliding with Harry's.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He waved me off, rubbing where my head connected with his. I searched around the blanket for my phone, and when I finally did, Casey's caller ID was up on the screen.

"Hello?" I said, not exactly in the friendliest tone considering the moment she'd just interrupted.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt your time at the library." What the hell? "But your parents are here waiting for you, quite anxiously might I add."

This is my worst nightmare come true.

"Okay I'm on my way, thanks for covering for me." I said before hanging up the phone. Harry looked at me with confused eyes.

"My parents just showed up. Of course they decide to surprise me tonight!" I said angrily.

"Hey, it's alright we will go out again soon." He said reassuringly. I nodded, knowing that was true but tonight was going so well, and now it's ruined.

Harry began packing everything up, and once he finished we made our way back to his car, driving back to my apartment. My hands became clammy from nerves, my parents are probably going to question where I was, and they can't know about Harry.

"Do you want me to go inside with you?" Harry asked as we pulled in front of my building.

"I think it'd be best if I went in by myself, they're really protective." I said awkwardly.

"I understand, tonight was amazing Leah. Don't try to convince yourself that you ruined it, because you didn't. Have a good night." Harry said with a genuine smile, and in this moment I swear I wanted to reach across the console and kiss him, hard.

"I'll try not to, goodnight Harry." I stepped out of the car, waving him off into the night.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for the encounter about to ensue with my parents.

camouflage [h.s]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora