Harry's Time Alone with the Animal Companions

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When Harry awoke drenched in sweat after one of his worst memories yet, he looked to his many companions looking at him with concern. Sam was the first to break the silence, "master are you ok?" Harry smiled a little before turning slightly to put his face into Sam's fur and Sam did not comment when she felt her master's tears on her fur. She may have been the younger of the two but she knew when to act as silent support, all she did was mover her nose to Harry's hair as she rested her snout on his head. When Harry finally got up he collapsed to the ground from emotional exhaustion Clair was there to help him up. Harry had not forgotten the Phoenix Storm, she was still young so he picked her up from the pillow and slowly walked to the door. Before he could fully make it to the door he fell forward, but before he could hit the ground Fred's fox Nick yelled out, "catch him air bubble" and before Harry knew what was happening he was in a bubble that was slowly lowering him to the ground. Well at least that was what he thought before the bubble changed directions and lowered him onto the bed again. Nick and Clair let out breaths of relief before Luna's squirrels Fern and Mars crawled up to Harry and started to play with Storm. Harry was amused by this and somehow ended up being involved in what could only be called a game of tag. Although the animals were playing with him he appreciated the fact that they were going easy on him considering. It was Fern's turn to catch them and all the while she was complaining, "why do I have to be it couldn't you have picked Storm to be it Mars?" "Now Fern you know that being a good sport means no complaining," said Click as he watched from the chair.
From the door the twins and Luna were checking on Harry and smiled as he laughed with childlike wonder. The three at the door were smiling as they watched but we're interrupted when Sky flew toward them and said, "I would like to report that Harry is doing fine right now but earlier he did almost fall on his way to the door. We are keeping him busy until he is tired again and will then put him to bed. I would also like to say that you do not have much time left before Dumbledore finds out about this, so I would hurry if I were you." Luna answered that they only needed a few more thing before they could perform the ritual.
Back to Harry he was exhausted but did not want to sleep for fear of nightmares Emerald seemed to know what he was thinking because she walked over to him and pushed him to the bed then climbed on to the bed and said, "fear not child I will protect you from the nightmares" and with that Harry was carried to dreamland. Meanwhile Luna and the twins had been successful in creating the ritual circles and now it was time to get some rest before performing the ritual tomorrow.

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