Chapter Twenty-One - The Truth Comes Out

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Natalia’s POV

There was a gun pointed to my head.

The fear and adrenaline which was already flowing through my body increased as I looked into the barrel of the gun, the silver which I had seen many times before, but never like this.

The fact a gun was to my head was what scared the most, but what hurt the most was the fact that it was my brother who was holding the gun.


My brother and I were never close, but I had never expected it to end like this, for my own blood to be the one who pulled the trigger, ending my life.

My mouth was half open in shock as I stared into the dark, dead eyes of my brother whose finger was ghosting on the trigger which, if pulled, would end my life.

‘Step away Natalia, this is no business of yours’ my brother’s icy voice flowed through my ears and I gulped nervously. I needed an end game, I needed to get out of this situation.

I held my ground, knowing all too well what my brother would do if I stepped away from Dexter.

Dexter hadn’t moved from behind me, and I wondered whether or not he had his own gun on him. If he pulled his weapon now, then Erik would surely kill us both, but we might need that gun later.

My brother had this determined look in his eyes, and I knew instantly that he would shoot to kill. My own brother would kill me, under orders from my father. I think that it’s safe to say that I will never be going to another one of those awkward family reunions again.

‘Erik, leave now,’ I told him, holding my ground.

My brother laughed in my face, a cold hard laugh that sent shivers down my spine and had me wishing that my own gun was in my hand.

‘Or what kitten? You’ll make me shoot you both?’ He choked out between laughs. The nickname sending anger through my veins, ‘Step away so we can be done with this.’

He was speaking to me like a child who was refusing to take a nap, but I wasn’t some spoilt child, I was a woman. A woman who would protect those she loved with her life.

Dexter’s voice came from behind me as he placed a hand on my arm, and I could tell that he was going to try to pull me behind him, ‘I am a police officer, put your gun down, now.’

‘Haven’t you heard detective? I am the law now,’ Erik spoke, his deep voice haunting my mind as he spoke.

Dexter’s grip tightened on my arm, but Erik looked down at that moment, seeing the action before it happened.

‘I wouldn’t do that Detective,’ Erik warned.

Dexter stopped, his hand hesitantly dropping from my arm, ‘What do you want from us?’

‘I want your head, now sister,’ His eyes met mine, ‘If you don’t mind.’

Erik reached out, grabbing my shoulder and pushing me to the side, my legs giving out at the force of it. I landed on the ground with a thud, my shoulder taking most of the impact. Realising that Dexter was now standing unarmed in front of my brother I tried to get up, attempting to get closer, but I was hardly standing when I saw it.

Leo was suddenly behind Erik, something in his hand. Leo put his hand around Erik’s mouth and plunged something into his neck, Erik going slack in Leo’s arms.

Dexter watched, wide eyed as Leo let Erik’s body drop to the ground.

Dexter ran in front of me, trying to protect me from Leo.

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