Chapter Eighteen - Turned Tables

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Natalia's POV

My altercation with Oleg left me with a bad feelings, not only in my bruised hand, but in the pit of my stomach. I needed this whole situation to be worked out, so that I could live out the life I wanted. I wasn't going to be held back by the fear and confliction I had been harbouring, but I was going to calmly fix the situation as best I could.  

I had a plan, one that may work, but might not, and I knew that I would need help. My options were severely limited, Oleg was completely out of the question and Alexander would relay anything back to Oleg so he was out of the question as well. Leo was too close to the situation and would try to change my mind, so that left me with one person. 


My best friend was not on-board with my real relationship with Dexter, but she was my best friend, and I hoped that with some persuasion she may be willing to help me with my plan.  

I looked at my watch and knew that there would be a few employees at the Café today, so I called Dominika.  

'Natalia? Aren't you supposed to be here?'  

'Want to ditch work and have an early lunch with me?' I asked and I heard her laugh. 

'I would love to, but it seems that my boss isn't here and someone has to be working.' 

'Aren't the other girls there? Please Dominika, it's important, I need to talk to you.'  

She didn't answer right away but I kept silent until she spoke, 'Fine, where are you?'  

I smiled into the phone telling her where to pick me up. 


'It looks busy,' I told her, gesturing to the restaurant she had just parked in front of. 

'Of course it's busy, this place is amazing,' she smiled, taking her seatbelt off.  

I stepped out of her car and couldn't help but admire it. Dominika's car was a total representation of her personality, it had a sleek golden paint job and it was the type of car that you would find in The Fast and Furious. Just looking at it made you want to race other cars, with the absolute knowledge that you would win. She loved her car, more than anything. It was pretty and sleek, but powerful and deadly, just like her.  

We entered the big building and were shown to a quiet table in the back, of which, I was grateful for, the rest of the place seemed to be loud and buzzing with activity. I could see most people were in business meetings, and some were dates, but I couldn't see a whole lot of families or children around us. I nervously twirled a blonde ringlet around my finger, suddenly realising that I had been curling my hair pretty much every day, even days when I wasn't meeting Dexter. I had never liked my hair curly, I thought that straight blonde hair was more sexy, but I liked the curly look. It softened my features and made me look more grown up. I also noticed that my style had changed, even when I was just being myself I would catch myself wearing bright colours mixed in with the dark. It was strange, but somehow it felt more like me.  

'So what's up Kitten?' she asked and I fought the urge to ask her not to call me kitten anymore because I needed to be on her good side today if I was going to get her help with the plan.  

'I need your help.' 

'With what?'  

The waiter chose that moment to get our orders and I ordered quickly, eager to get back to my conversation.  

'What do you need help with?'  

'I have a plan which will not only benefit Papa's 'business' but will also leave Dexter unharmed.'  

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