questions pt two

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******chapter 21 is coming soon it's really irritating that people keep pming me demanding i don't end it jfc

hi, im kris and i'm the author of demon obv, i love all of your feedback and stuff so this is a questions chapter. i posted one before, but i noticed you all had even more questions. comment below and i will answer them all. i dont mind if you ask a personal question but if its really insensitive, i wont really answer it so please have respect. for example, you can ask why i wrote this or ask about the characters. anything you ask, is fine. i dont think any question is stupid so feel free to ask anything you want!

i'll just answer these frequently asked questions now.

q: what does demon look like

a: whatever you want him to look like

q: why can't i translate and why do you get mad so much about people translating the story

a: i dont feel comfortable with translating and i dont really trust a lot of people or let them in so respect that please. i let a few people repost and translate and tbh i dont like it at all, it makes me v uncomfortable but people like it so i guess i wont do anything to stop it or whatever. and its really rude and annoying so id appreciate it if you ask first. i have copyright on every story i have so you can get sued lol dont be rude

q: i dont get demon its stupid why cant she see him??!!

a: love is like a curse

so those three are the questions i get the most. plus if you try and get me to spoil the story, i wont say anything because yknow who'd wanna spoil a story? c: but anyways thank you so much for the reads, comments, votes, and feedback. i love it. and i read every single comment so i just feel so loved and stuff and asdfg thank you all sm im so grateful. so if you have any questions, personal or about the story, dont hesitate to ask me below, i wont get annoyed or anything! xox

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