Chapter 2

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Karkats Pov

I woke up to the sound of Sollux screaming from the kitchen and the beep of my alarm clock. "YOUR GOIING TWO MII22 YOUR BU2 IIF YOU DONT GET UP NOW". And so I did as he said and got up. I put on my school shirt which was a grey cancer. Mine was grey because some dipshit decided to mess with the test before they could complete grading it so I was scored as incomplete or not done. The computer didnt know which one to choose so I was both. I then grabbed some jeans and an apple. "Bag motherfucker. " Gamzee had reminded me before I could run out with out it. I said goodbye to Gamzee but not Sollux cause I would see him at school. I started to walk to the bus stop when I could hear the bus pulling out of the neighborhood before mine. That had meant I only had a a minute or two but the walk to my house to the bus stop is five so I broke out into a sprint. When I made it to the bus stop the bus was about to close its doors but I stuck my hand between the doors refusing to let them. The bus driver , with a sigh opened them back up. I went to my normal seat and put in my head phones. After a few minute we were at Nepeta's and Terezi's stop. As they boarded Terezi sat with the new kid Dave and Nepeta started to look around not knowing where to sit. As she looked my way I gestured with my hand for her to sit with me. When she saw this she came over and greeted me

"Hey Karkitty."

She giggled and then gestured to her ears. This made me reliaze that my headphones where still in so I must have been yelling. I like to listen to my music pretty loud but I'm still able to hear people when there speaking to me. I'm just unable to respond in a normal voice. I listen to music often so I'm usually know as the kid who yells.
After she does the gesture and I reliaze what she means I take my headphones out and we continue the conversation.

"Where's Gamzee he hasn't been in school for a while? Is he okay?"
"Yeah he's fine. He was suspended though."
She looked shocked.
" Well in his culinary class he had to bake a pie but when ever he bakes a pie at home he slips in his medication. You know the one that help with his anger. Well the teacher saw this and had him sent to the office. The office called me and Sollux since his Dad is gone and Mom passed away. Once we explained everything they decided to just suspend him instead of calling the police."

"They were going to call the pawlice!?"
" Well , yeah cause they believed he was trying to drug the other students and they didnt know with what either."

"How long is he suspended?"
"Not much longer only a few more weeks."
By then we were at school and the bell had already rung. Nepeta and I had gym together first period so we walked together. The whole time we causally talked until we had to spilt because the locker rooms.

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