Chapter 43 - One Night

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After I get home, I change into a black tank top with acid washed jean shorts. I flop on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. I want to fall asleep but it seems that every time I close my eyes, I remember kissing Blake. Derek is an amazing guy and I really care about him. I shouldn't have let Blake get to me. Realizing I wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon, I get up and pace around my living room.

I go into my closet and change into a plaid shirt and ripped black jeans. I reach my front door, then stop. I don't think this is a good idea. I return to pacing up and down my living room. After a couple of minutes, I come to a decision. I grab my coat off the rack and my keys off the table and I'm out the door.


When I get off the elevator at Blake's hotel, I immediately feel butterflies. Not like the ones I felt earlier in the night when I kissed him. These feelings were mixed with guilt. I was on my way to his hotel room and I knew exactly what my intentions were for the remainder of the night.

I stand outside his door. I take a deep breath and plan on knocking, but then I pull away. I start to think this is all a mistake and that I should leave. But then I remembered our kisss and I don't want to. So, I take another deep breath and knock.

Within seconds, Blake opens the door. He was only wearing his pants from earlier in the night but no shoes or shirt. I was taken back because I had almost forgotten how beautiful this man was.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi...If I knew you were coming, I would of put a shirt on."

"Really?" I ask not convinced.

Blake smirks. "No...I probably would've taken my pants off." He admits then continues. "Or..."


"You could take them off for me."

I stand there, taking his words in. I continuously roam my eyes up and down his body. I make eye contact with him and this is what I was afraid of. Once he had me under his spell, there was no getting out of it.

Blake takes a step closer to me and that's when I lose all self-control. I take one hand and pull his neck down to my level so I could kiss him. The other hands hooks on the front of his pants. He puts his hands inside my coat, around my waist and pulls me inside his room. I use my foot to shut the door behind us.


When we're done, I lay next to Blake on the floor on top of a sheet he laid out for us. I keep my distance as my hands rest on my face because I can't believe what I just did. Blake tries to move closer to me but I sit up. I locate my clothes and begin to put on my under garments. Blake places his hand on my lower back, making me flinch.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine." I quickly bark back. Blake removes his hand and I throw my shirt over my head. Then, standing up, I go for my pants. Blake stands too and puts on his boxers.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you honestly see nothing wrong with this?"

"Would you like to explain it to me?"

"I cheated, Blake. I made this big deal about how amazing Derek is, because he is so wonderful, then bam. I cheat on his with you of all people." I say wiggling into my pants.

"With me of all people?"

"Yes. We both know how much damage cheating has done. Me with Andrew and you with Gwen. Not to mention 'cheating'" I motion air quotes around the word, "is what destroyed our relationship."

"I know."

"So how? How could I do this to Derek? What is wrong with me?" My voice softens.

"Listen to me," Blake cups my face in his hands and allows my eyes to meet his. "You're not a bad person. You made a decision that was right for you."

"But what about him? And you? This isn't fair to either of you. And I know being here is wrong. And still, I don't wanna leave."

"Then stay." He says taking my small hands in his large ones.

"I can't. Derek is coming over in the morning, so I should be there when he comes."

"Does that mean you still want to be with him?"

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? This. It doesn't change anything and certainly not the way I feel about him or how pissed I am at you." I take his hands off of me and take a step back.

"Mel. This changes everything. Just now, in the middle of that... you said... you told me you still love me."

"I know what I said. I say a lot of things all the time. And I don't mean every single one of them." I put my coat on and put my hands behind my head, slipping my hair out. I walk past Blake and out the door.


When I get home, I strip out of my clothes and take a hot shower and wash my hair, trying to wash off all the stupid mistakes from the night off. I get out the shower and dry my hair as best as I could with a towel. I throw on a big blue Mickey Mouse shirt and crawl into bed.


I'm sorry to say but this story will be concluding in a couple of week. I think I will go to maybe 50 and that's it. Also, I wanted to do like a Q&A. So if you guys have any questions or anything, you can message me or comment or leave it on my message board and I'll answer them on the story, so part 51 will be the Q&A. Thanks Guys :)

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