Chapter 37 - A Lot Can Change In A Year

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It’s the next Friday. The crew is out at glow in the dark bowling. By the crew, I mean Kylie, Matthew, Gloria, Matt, Deandre, Amber, Ashely, Olivia, Blake and myself. Minus those who weren’t able to make it. I wear a black crop top with blue, purple and pink leggings with black boots. We decide to team up so it’s boys in one lane vs girls in another.

After about 30 minutes of playing, I find a seat next to Blake after my turn.

“Hey.” I say bending down and giving him a peck on the lips. I go to sit next to him but he pulls me over to sit on his lap and gives me another kiss. “We’re winning.” I tell him.

“That’s only because there are more girls.”

“You say tomato. I say tomahto.”

He chuckles. His phone rings as he receives a text.

“I’m gonna go get another drink.” I tell him but I really just didn’t want to be around him. What if it was Gwen? Was he going to tell me? Was I suppose to ask? And how? Why? I turn back in time to see him pulling his phone out his back pocket. I roll my eyes and go get my drink. I was going to need it.

When I get back, he’s still texting so I sit next to him.

“You’ve been on your phone for a while. Is it your little girlfriend?”

“Can we please not do this here?” He says putting down his phone and looking up at me.

“It’s fine. If you want to talk to her, I’ll just leave you to it.”

“I told you. I feel nothing for Gwen.”

“Yes. You told me this but you’re constantly talking to her. What the hell is there even to talk about with you two?” My voice begins to raise.

“Please calm down.”

“Calm down?” I scoff and turn from him.

“Ok look, I’ll put the phone away and even turn it off. We can talk about this later, ok?”

“No. It’s not ok.” I stand up and realize our friends began to turn their attention to us but I don’t care. “ I absolutely despise her. She has tried on several different occasions to ruin our relationship and she tells you some bullshit story and you go running to her.”

Blake stands now. “Mel, listen.”

“No. You listen. I can’t believe you. You honestly think the only reason she talks to you is because she needs a friend? Why do you think she doesn’t have any friends? I'll tell you why. Because she’s a miserable bitch!”

“Ok, that’s enough. I know Gwen has done some evil selfish stupid things but that doesn’t mean we have to hate her and hold a grudge. Why can’t you let it go?”

I’m in disbelief. “I can not believe you of all people are defending her. For God sakes, she cheated on you.”

“Well she isn’t the only one!” Blake practically yells at me. From my peripheral I can se everyone staring at us in complete silence. I see Kylie with her mouth drawn open. She is just as stunned by what he said as I am.

“Oh my god. So that’s what this is about?” 

Silence poured from Blake. After that, now he had nothing to say.

“I thought you…you said you forgave me for that.” My eyes begin to water.

“I know what I said.” He basically whispers.

“So, what? You were lying? Is this some kind of sick payback?” Nothing, once again. I scoff and push past him.

“Melanie.” He breathes softly. But I’m fuming with anger.

I flip around and scream. “WHAT? WHAT DO YO WANT TO SAY TO ME? WHAT IS THERE TO SAY? I’M SORRY! OK? WHAT HAPPENED WAS STUPID AND SELFISH AND I REGRET IT WITH EVERY FIBER IN MY BEING AND I’M SORRY.” Tears were streaming now. I turn to leave but Blake grabs my hand.

“Don’t touch me.” I say pushing him off. “And by the way, if you were there for me like I needed you to be. Maybe I wouldn’t have had to run to someone else.” With that, I storm out and Blake doesn’t come after me.

I stand alone outside. Balling my eyes out. Kylie comes out and throws her arms around me. We stand there a while before she drives me home. I stare out the window the entire car ride as we sit in silence. When we get home, we both enter without saying a word. I go into my room and close the door behind me. I change into jean shorts and a sweater with lips on it and put my hair up into a ponytail. I walk out my room and take a seat on the couch. Kylie is sitting at the counter eating cereal. She probably didn’t get a chance to eat anything at the bowling alley.

“Hey. How are you doing?” She asks gentle. Probably not trying to poke the bear aka me. 

I don’t answer and grab my laptop from the coffee table. I cross my legs and place it on my lap. I turn it own and type in twitter. When the page pops up, I login and scroll through my homepage. “This is fucking perfect.” I say, reading all the hate directed at me.

“@melaniehill is sooo fugly.”

“gross what does @blakegriffin32 see in her?”

“Melanie is probably just using Blake. I can’t stand her.”

“I fucking hate @melaniehill, she needs to die.”

“Melanie will never love blakey like I do, ugh!”

“@blakegriffin32 deserves better. She’s not even pretty”

I roll my eyes at most of them but when I see the next one…it completely sets me off.

“I liked @blakegriffin32 with gwen. She was way better and they were in love until @melaniehill ruined it. He doesn’t even look happy with her.”

It felt like steam was coming from my ears. I pick up my laptop and throw it across the room where is slams against the wall. Kylie jumps back when I do this. “Melanie” she says in a low tone, trying to calm me.

“Don’t.” I say without even looking at her. I walk to my room and slam the door behind me.

***Next Morning***

Kylie’s P.O.V

“No Matt. She’s been in there since last night. Nothing I say can get her out.” I was talking to my boyfriends when I hear Melanie’s bedroom door open.

“I’ll call you back.” I tell Matt before hanging up. “How are you?” I ask Melanie.

“My boyfriend and I had a huge fight and a bunch of hateful little bitches were slamming me because they want said boyfriend to themselves. I’m perfect.”

“Melanie. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine. Anyway, last night I did some thinking.”

“What about?”

“I called Thomas. I’m gonna take the job in London.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. It’ll be good for me. I just need to get away and just focus on me for a little bit.”

“But…a year. That’s a long time.”

“I know.”

“And a lot can change in a year.”

“I know that too.”

He's The One (Blake Griffin Fan-Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن