Chapter 34 - Tell Me That You Love Me

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"Hey." I hear Kylie say from behind me, as I still lay with my face in the couch. 

"Hi." I say gloomy.

"What's wrong?" She says. Her voice a bit louder because she stands closer to the couch.


"Come on. Tell Kylie."

I roll over to look at her. She sits on the arm rest of the couch. "I was this close," I indicate the small amount with my fingers, "this close to telling Blake and I punked out." 

"It's not the end of the world. It's understandably that you'd be nervous to tell Blake you love him, especially considering everything you two have been through."

I sigh heavily and put the pillow over my face again. I feel Kylie raise from the couch. 

"You remember that Thomas Perrone guy? You applied for some amazing job with him."

"Yeah." I respond from under the pillow. 

"When you were out, he called and left a message. He wants you to call him back." Kylie says in the kitchen, pulling water to boil.

"Really?" I take the pilliow from my face and sit up. 

"You should call him. This job could open so many doors for you."

"How am I suppose to focus on that with everything going on? Plus taking the job would put a totally damper on my relationship."

"Can you not  multitask?"

"Kylie, the job is in London."

"England?" She flips around to face me.

"Is there another London I should know about? It's like a year long internship that pays you. I applied for it when I was still with Andrew. I thought that either Andrew could come with me or if he couldn't our relationship would be strong enough to last with being long distance for a while. But I know Blake can't take time to come visit me with the season just coming back." 

"So you're not gonna take it?"

"I don't know. Probably not." 


A week and a half later, when I get home from work, I am super sore from lifting boxes and sorting through clothes. I'm in a cream top with black jeans. I lay on the sofa when I get a call from Blake.


“Hey babe.” Blake responses

“Hi, what’s up?”

“I want to see you. Lets go get something to eat.”

“I would love to but I cant. Work killed me today.”

“So, how about I come over then?”

“That would be awesome.”

“Ok. I’m on my way.”


When Blake arrived I met him at the door. I gave him a kiss as he entered and we sit on the sofa together.

“So, how did work kill you?” Blake asks.

“Oh, that. I was lifting boxes and putting away clothes and running around like a mad women and it was painful.”

“Can I help in anyway?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Turn around.”

I turn and my back was towards Blake. I fold my legs on the sofa. I felt Blake’s large hands take my shoulders and begin to rub them. He was giving me a message and it felt amazing. I couldn’t help it but Blake’s hands on me made me give out small moans.

“That feels good.” I breath to him.

“You know what would feel better?”

Before I had the chance to say anything, Blake’s lips were against my neck, kissing the skin. I have to admit, he was right, this felt much better. My small moans were now more sexual. Before I could realize, Blake’s hand were on my waist, traveling up my shirt. As he continued to kiss my neck, he let his hands roam up and down my sides. I giggled because I am really ticklish. Blake was now kissing all over my neck. He tugs on the bottom on my shirt.

“May I?” He questions.

I nod my head and off goes my shirt. I wasn’t wearing a bra, so now, Blake was firmly cupping my breasts in his hands. Still kissing the back of my neck, he leaves a trail of kisses down my back and I feel tingles down my spine when he does this. He then removes his hands and takes off his own shirt. I turn around and wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

We sat kissing in the position for a while. Out of nowhere I here keys and I look up to see Kylie walking in.

“Oh god!” She says disgusted before closing the door with her on the other side of it.

I smirk. I see Blake finds it funny too and we both burst out laughing. As we sit laughing on the sofa, I hear Kylie outside.

“I’m so glad you guys find this funny. Really I am. But can you get dressed? Because I’m already scarred for the rest of my life.”

We both put our shirts back on and when we’re done I tell Kylie it’s safe to come in.

“You guys do know that Mel’s room is like 5 feet away? Right?”

Kylie goes to her room, making a gagging sound.

“Sorry about that.” I say to Blake.

“It’s fine. I have pre-game practice anyway, so I have to go.”


“Will you be watching?”

“Duh.” I walk Blake to the door and we finish out conversation in the doorway. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” I ask him.

“Yeah.” I give Blake a peck on the lips before he leaves but I call him back. There was something I finally needed to tell him.

“Yeah?” He says turning back to me.

I look at the ground when he looks me in the eyes. “Listen, I know we’ve only been together for a little while but we’ve know each other for so long and I’ve been trying to tell you something for a while but I could just never find the right moment and when I think I do, a million things run through my mind and I chicken out. I keep waiting for the perfect moment but there seems to be none, besides every minute I’m with you. But I just can’t do it. And with everything we have been through, I don’t know if it was too soon but I just need to get this off my chest and I just-”

I’m cut off by Blake’s lips meeting mine. I was rambling for what seemed like forever. He takes my hands and interlocks our fingers before pulling away from me.

“I love you too.”

That was all he said before flashing me his signiture sexy smile, that emphasized his adorable dimples. I stand frozen as Blake walks off. I close the door and sequel. I contain myself, do a cartwheel and run off to Kylie’s room to tell her the news. 

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