Chapter 14

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Jennifer's POV

After getting completely traumatized by Roc's truthfulness and his sudden anger , just made me realize that he's not all that bad. My feelings for Roc was always present , but every time he became a mad man , all my sentiments always dispersed and my feelings for him always went towards the route to hate and frustration. I never ever thought I was gonna care about him again , until now.

He cares about me , I'm beautiful to him , he actually wants me alive ; why should I hate a person like that ? Maybe it's because my brain is saying , he's a murderer and his only goal in life is to kill me , but then my heart says , I really do like him. I don't like him as a kidnapper , but as a person. The kisses we share , and the arguments , and the eye contact will make people think we are a couple . But behind all that is me being depressed , beaten , bruised but unfortunately still being loved by a mad man.

After being in a deep thought , I heard the door downstairs being shut then locked , signifying that Roc had left to emote his sentiments that somehow had gotten hurt by my words. I looked down and realized that my arms were I
un-cuffed. I got up and went to the nearest closet and grabbed a washcloth and towel , and went to take a shower. After closing the door behind me , I turned on the hot water and watch as the bathroom was as hot as a sauna , with the steam helping me relax. I stripped out of my awful scraps of clothing , and got in the shower. The hot water pouring against my skin , had stung me , but it was relaxing , it helped me forget about everything. I was finally calm , not happy but calm.

Rocs POV

After leaving the house , I walked around my "neighborhood" just to let off a bit of steam. I was so pissed that she asked such a dumbass question , but then again it was obvious because I did wrong things to her , and the biggest one was kidnapping her in the first place ; and keeping her hostage for the last few years. I wouldn't like me either. But I'm just a confused man , that didn't have the best of childhoods , that I used my grown up years to ruin others people joy. Do I regret it ? , sometimes. I can't help it. Jennifer was the only girl I took care of , I feed her , give her my clothes , let her walk around the house , hell , I even went to the store and bought her pads when she was on her menus real period ! When the fuck would I ever do that ?!

After emoting some sentiments , I went to the nearest town stores. I bought some flowers and chocolates and a beautiful card that would make a girl smile. I also made one special stop and picked up a diamond 13-carat necklace , that would be perfect for Jennifer. This was a gift to show her I'm sentimental and also a way to say sorry. I haven't bought a girl a gift in so long that this was a special one.

I walked back in the house and realized the shower was on. I quickly went upstairs and spread some of the flower petals on the bed and hid the gifts behind my night stand.

I had a special surprise in store for Jennifer tonight.

I quickly stripped off my clothes and grabbed a towel and headed towards the bathroom. I opened the door very quietly and walked in to the steamy bathroom. Damn it was hot in here !

I took off the towel and made my way towards the shower , I got in from behind very quietly where I only saw Jennifer's backside. Her body was so beautiful , I never noticed because she always had my large clothes on , so her curves were never noticed. She also grew , her butt got very plump and large and get breast by my angle look more fuller and beautiful . She was beautiful.

I wrapped my arm around her waist , immediately she jumped.

"ROC , WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE ! ?! " she screamed.

"Shhhhhh " I said putting my finger over her lips. I liked down and noticed she used one of her arms to cover her breasts and another arm to cover her private area.

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