Chapter 5

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P.O.V. * Jasmines*

I felt myself in a deep trance . I didn't move an inch . It was dark . I guess this how it feels to be dead .

Even though I was "dead" I heard yelling and people talking . One sounding like my kidnapper .

"Why did you shoot her ?" Chresanto said angrily .

"Nigga , we fucking kidnapped her to kill her , keep acting stupid and I'll kill you too !"

"She didn't do anything"

"She tried to fucking escape . We don't let ANYONE escape . "

"Your crazy "

"You got that right , go check that bitches body , if she's awake make her clean herself up and act normal , if she dead put in her a garbage bag and carry her to the dump "

"Whatever "


And with that I heard a door slam shut and then there was complete silence . I heard foot steps come towards me . I wasn't in the best of conditions right now to even move an inch .

I felt myself being shook . Is this nigga stupid ? Do he want me to shoot him and shake him , cause that shit does not feel good whatsoever .

He rolled me over and felt my pulse , I guess he noticed I was alive , he sounded joyful . He kept tapping me .

"Are you alive ? Please don't die " my kidnapper said .

He has a heart ? Never would've thought .

"Please be alive , please be alive " he was really panicking .

I don't understand , if you kill girls , why do you want me alive so bad . I'm so confused , in pain , but more confused . So confused that I didn't realize he picked me up and laid me on the sofa . I ended up opening my eyes.

There stood a caramel colored boy , with little curly short hair , plump juicy lips and a small nose . I swear if I wasn't in this predicament , and he would ask me out the answer would most definitely be a yes. He is gorgeous . I didn't realize I started smiling .

"I understand you alive , but the fuck you staring at me for ? " he said with a bitter voice .

He killed the vibe , I hate him again .

" I rather be dead , than still be held hostage by you " I yelled back .

I lied. I don't wanna be dead . But I'm truthful about the held hostage part .

He grabbed me by my shirt , I'm guessing he wants my blood on him .

"Look you annoying piece of shit , what did we say about the attitudes "


His grip became much tighter.

"What the fuck did I say ? "

"You said to listen to you and stop the attitudes or else .."

"Or else what " he said through gritted teeth .

I swallowed a large amount of saliva I kept sitting in my throat for a long time .

"Or else you would kill me "

"I'm glad you remembered " he let go of my shirt .

I fixed my shirt and was still aching in pain .

"Look my boss is here , so go in the bathroom upstairs and clean your fucking self , go take a shower . The bullet is not deeply in you , it's easy to take out " he said very fast and dominantly .

"I have no extra clothes " I said

"Bitch I'm not a department store , I got sweats , a t shirt and socks in the bathroom , put that shit on and hurry up downstairs , you got 20 minutes "

"How the hell am I gonna take a bullet out , and shower in 20 minutes ! " I said with sarcasm .

"I don't give a fuck , keep talking back and I'll change it to 7 minutes . Now get started cause the clock just started ticking and your down to 17 minutes " he said .

"Fine" I rolled my eyes and walked away , this dude is so fucking demanding .

While on my way to the bathroom , I saw many pictures on the wall . Man , this house is beautiful , he was so cute as a baby . Admiring pictures , I didn't know how much time I was wasting until that dickhead screamed from downstairs .

"Don't make me come up there and find you escaping , everything is locked and sealed tightly , so hurry and go in the fucking shower , you got 15 minutes . "

He's so damn pushy .

I walked into the bathroom and stripped off my bloody clothing . I turned on the shower and stared at myself in the mirror , I had a big bruise on the left side of my cheek and a bullet in my shoulder that's still bleeding . I took the bullet out like as if it was a splinter , except the pain was 100 times worse .

The result was a whole in my arm . Great. I went in the shower and started washing up fast . I just wanted to go home and take care of my caring mother . She's been the main one in my mind this whole time . Her and my dad . I miss them . I started crying a bit just thinking about them . I did a bit of washing my hair from all the dirt and rinsed and got out the shower .

I dried off my body and my hair , I started dressing , I could barely move my shoulder , I need a bandage . But I managed to wrap my hair in a quick bun and get dressed . His clothes are huge one me , but warm . But I enjoyed the fact that he let me shower , who knows when he's gonna let me take another one , who knows when I'm gonna be able to leave this hell hole .

( Authors note : for the record guys , yes she's wearing underwear lol , if y'all was thinking she wasn't . Chresanto keeps extra clean underwear 😐)

I gathered my things out the bathroom and dropped it in the dirty clothes bin. For a kidnapper he's actually really clean . I looked at the hallway clock , with 6 minutes left to spare , I thought I'll take a tour of upstairs . Quietly I crept though the hallway . Quieter than a mouse . I walked in to a room , I'm guessing this belonged to no one , it looked like a guest room . One bed , one dresser , small closet and window , and a tv . I left out and found another room , this room looked different , it was cold in here , and had a small mattress and blanket and no tv , a window with a garbage to cover it and chains, it was dark . I think this would be my room . The fear . I quickly left out of there and went to the last room , it was so warm and cozy in here , it had pictures of my kidnapper , I'm guessing this is his room , it was really neat , and had the same furniture as the first room but with pictures .

As I was about to leave a strong pair of arms picked me up and pinned me on the wall . It was him . My kidnapper .

" I said take a fucking shower , not look in my fucking house ! " he screamed.

"I'm sorry , I'm sorry , please don't hurt me " I pleaded. I saw blood come down my arm , the bullet hole in my shoulder didn't close.

"Come now ." He demanded . He pulled my arm violently down the stairs , I tripped a few times .

Once I got downstairs I saw an unfamiliar man . He looked scary as hell. I'm guessing I have two kidnappers now .


Hayyy guys I'm back in action , I'll be posting a lot more , sorry to leave y'all hanging like that . Thank you for reading my story , I really appreciate it . ❤️😘

- Love Dasiaa ❤️❤️

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