Chapter 9 *edited!*

Start from the beginning

His words were like tiny, burning hot daggers to my heart. But of course, I couldn't let him know that. "Don't you have a life? Wait-nevermind," I said smugly and he raised his hand, whispering, "I'm gonna swipe that smirk off your pretty little face."

I screamed as his freaking CLAWED hand made contact with my delicate skin, leaving large bloody gashes in my cheeks. But if that wasn't enough, he raked his claw down that side of my face, and I screamed again in pain.

Finally, I could take it no longer and bit his hand. Not my best choice.

"Ahh! What the-???!!" Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I wouldn't let them. Crying is bad; crying shows weakness. Or at least that's what I've learned.

Suddenly, just as Austin leaned down to probably kiss me in some perverted way and then snap my neck, someone tackled the beast from behind.

I shot up, and ran towards a tree, already dizzy from the loss of blood.

I ran as fast as my weak wobbley legs could carry me. Finally I saw a cave and ran into it, callapsing into a heap of pain and misery. I wished that I could melt into a puddle of nothing, and all of this pain and fear would just float away.

I held my breath as slow, careful footsteps sounded just outside the cave. My mind screamed for me to run, but my weak fragile body wouldn't let me.

I waited, cowarding in a corner, for the figure to emerge. I expected to see Austin appear with an evil smirk on his face saying, "You really though your boyfriend could beat me?" But instead saw Brady's worried face peer down at me...without one single scratch.

I tried to back away but couldn't. He knelt by me and brushed a hand gently on my cheek. I curled up more, hiding my other cheek from him, although I was sure he could smell the blood.

"I'm just going to heal you." He whispered and lifted my head so it layed in his lap. He knelt towards my cheek and began to gently kiss the scratches. I gasped as his lips made contact with my skin, but stayed perfectly still as he continued to place gentle kisses on my cheek.

Soon I felt a weird tingling sensation as my cheek became numb. Then I felt a slight sting, and Brady pulled away.

I felt that familiar feeling of disappointment tickle my stomach, and I wanted to scream for feeling this way. Remember Zoe, you hate him. You hate Brady. No matter how attractive, sweet, strong or smart he can be, you despise him. Ignore the fact that I just listed all the things I like about him.

I brought my shaking hand up to feel my face, and didn't feel one single mark. Staring at him in awe, I mumbled a timid, "Thank you."

He picked me up, and carried me bridal-style out of the cave. I shivered, suddenly cold, and burried my face in his chest.

I feel him stare at me in shock but I stayed put.

Soon, we are back at their 'hideout.' Brady carries me into a room, and when I look up I see it's a kitchen. "I figured you would be hungry." He states and sets me down on the counter. This is a very strange bunch. Why wasn't he yelling at me yet?

I shake my head worriedly as the other boys walk in. "There she is!" One says and they cheer. "What so now dinner is served or something?" I say bitterly and Brady glares at me. "I told you, know one is going to eat you." He says through clenched teeth.

"Oh yeah? Then why did they cheer when you brought me in here?" He shrugs. "They were worried about you." I raise an eyebrow and jump off the counter. "Whoa whoa whoa. Slow it up, buttercup. You freaking kidnapped me and now all of the sudden you care for me? This is new!" I exclaim sarcastically.

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