20- Talking with Silence

Start from the beginning

"Oh, well...You've done amazing progress talking so far...we might not need you to talk anymore." Kakashi said standing up. I stood up and jumped off the couch.

"Should we go now..?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.


The hokage sat behind his desk and gestured for me to sit down on the couch. I sat down with a sigh and brought me knees to my chest. It lowered my anxiety slightly.

"So...you will talk..?" The Hokage asked slightly shocked. I nodded hesitatingly.

Suck it up Asoka. You've built enought courage to talk about it, don't back down, stop being a sissy.

"So..uh..Where do I start..?" I asked.

"The begining." The Hokage said getting comfortable in his seat, knowing my talk will take some time. I took in a deep breath.

"My name, from my other world, was Asoka Rose. My adoptive father was Carter Rose, a world wide know rich man, my adoptive mother was Emma Rose..rich housewife who spends like a gold digger." I closed my eyes as if trying to find more information inside of my brain. I sighed. "I was...neglected...I guess. I had no purpose in the Rose Family, but for publicity, showing Carter with a young daughter deffinatly added a better veiw on him. Emma thought that I was a waist of money. But my father had an idea, that when I became 19, that I'd marry some rich man, to join the companys together. Kind of like how two clans or kingdoms would be joined." I said, making the connection. I paused. "But I wasn't treated...like a princess...more of," I paused again searching for the word. "Nussiance." I said with a nod. It was quiet "Uh...what else am I supposed to say..?"

"Continue, just say what you think should be said that could give us an idea about you and such." The hokage said.

"Uh...well." I paused trying to figure out what to say. "I met Mussō-ka when I was younger... 6 or so... It was the first day of school." I said. "I was alone, like usual, sitting at my desk, when a stuffed rabbit with a top hat just poofed infront of me. I yelled and fell back from my chair." I smiled at the memory. "That was the first day I met him, ever since then he's visited me in my dreams, training me...for what I don't know. He said that he was under strict orders not to tell me." I sighed. "When I told Emma this, she thought I was going insane, so they took me to the doctors. In the end they thought I was ADHD and gave me medicne." I said with a shrug.

"Wow...please continue." The hokage said looking intrested.

"Uh...well. I was pretty much alone under an alies for my schooling life. I didn't have any friends, and I didn't mind." I shrugged again, my hands hugging my knees. I put my chin on them. "But then this girl came, and complications made me leave the school." I said, not bothering with boring details. "I met Kiki, my best friend, online, In a game she is my only best friend. If you ever see me with this," I took out my phone and showed it to him. "Then I'm probably communicating with her." I said with a small nod. I put the phone back in my pocket.

"Oh...is there anything else I should know?" He asked me.

"Uh..nope. I do think thats it." I said with a close eyed smile.

"Kakashi, was that it?" The Hokage yelled slightly. The door opened and my husband walked in. He looked at me apolegeticaly.

"That was mostly it...besides afew things she left out." He said with a sheepish smile. I glared at him.

"What did you leave out, dear?" The hokage asked me. I turned my head to the side.

"Stupid details." I awnsered.

"Yeah, just some details, and the assault." I turned to Kakashi, my blood ran cold, then boiled as I realized that he'd just taken the information I had gaven him and used it against me. I don't have to tell anyone anything!

"Thats personal." I hissed at him, my glare attacking him head on. He froze under my glare and backed up slightly. The hokage didn't seem to hear my hiss.

"What assault?" He looked at me. I looked at him, the glare still intact. The hokage flinched back slightly.

"Its personal and none of your buissness, don't go searching in active volcanos." I said before standing up and excusing myself.

The Bastards.

*end shortish chapter*

- - - - - - - -

Had to be done.

Please tell me, did you feel any of the emotions that Asoka felt while reading this? Were you pissed at Carter and Emma, or Kakashi? Kawaiing at some point? Confused?

Questions? Go ahead and ask.

P.S FMA Fic is up.





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