chapter two

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"Good morning Mrs. Irwin." I greeted and she looked up from her computer. I handed her a cup of coffee and she thanked me as she took it from my grasp. I took a drink of my own and she eyed me up and down.

"You look better." She commented with a sweet smile and I looked down at my outfit. It was the same as before, only this time it was ironed and put on neatly since I woke up on time this morning.

"I feel better." I smiled and she nodded, telling me that she was glad for that. She beckoned me forward and I obeyed, walking up to her. "Yes ma'am?" I asked

She chuckled and then reached for my black tie. "This is bothering me." She told me and my breathing was caught in my throat as her fingers brushed against my collarbones and the column of my neck.

She fixed my tie slowly, taking her sweet time as she bit down on her bottom lip, which was painted a pale pink to match her light outfit of a tight grey skirt and white blouse. Her light brown, almost a honey colour, eyes shined brightly, catching the sunlight that came in through the large windows.

She caught my gaze and I blinked a few times, backing away slowly only to remember her hands were on my tie still. She smiled sweetly and my cheeks burned red as she began to tighten the black tie.

I couldn't help the small, almost inaudible whimper than escaped my lips as she knuckle came in contact with my throat, and she quickly let go of the tie. "There, it looks better. It wasn't-"

"Yeah. I uh... is there anything you need me to do?" I asked quickly, wanting to leave the awkward tension between us. Maybe if I ran copies for her and scheduled meetings it would clear my head enough for me to think.

"As of now? Nothing." She said and I took a deep breath. "Are you alright? You look... flustered?" She asked and I nodded.

"Fine. I'm fine. It's just, this is a little too tight now." I lied and she offered to fix it once again. "No-No I can do it. You're a busy woman, emails and meetings and stuff. I'll just need a mirror so I don't mess it up."

"It's really no problem. I don't have anything to do at the moment." She insisted, and I couldn't come up with a reason to get out of this. I nodded and she stood up, straightening out her skirt and then adjusting her matching blazer.

She reached for my tie again, loosening it a bit for me despite how easy it was to do. I gulped heavily as she looked up at me and her lips curled upwards into a grin, almost like she knew that she was the reason I was so... nervous, so flustered.

"You have beautiful eyes Luke, have I ever told you that?" She asked and I shook my head slowly. My heart was racing so quickly that I was afraid she could both hear it and see it hammering past my ribcage and through my chest.

Subconciously, my eyes flickered down to her plump pink lips and then up to her honey colored eyes. Her own stared at my mouth as I bit tightly where a lip ring once stood, and she reached a hand up to cup my jaw.

"You pierced your lip?" She asked and I couldn't find any words to say, so I nodded my head. "Where did it go?"

"I-It's unprofessional." I stammered quietly, sweat beading my forehead as her thumb traced the skin under my bottom lip. "I also got tired of cleaning it... constantly."

"I see." She hummed and then forced me to lean down. Well it wasn't by force, she just gently began tugging my face down to hers and I was too shocked to stop her or resist.

"Mrs. Ir-"

"I know you heard me the other day," she whispered to me, her eyes on my lips before looking into my eyes. "What did I say about you?"

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