chapter four

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"I-I don't know how this works." I admitted to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin quietly, all three of us talking inside of Mrs. Irwin's office. "Do we pretend like we aren't doing anything illegal?"

"Pretty much." Mr. Irwin smiled. "Don't worry, I don't plan on promoting you or switching anything, anytime soon. The Mrs. sure does love seeing you all the time. No one will know."

"Oh uh... thanks." I smiled awkwardly, my cheeks turning red slightly as I fiddled with my hands. "What happens now?"

"Business as usual, until after work. If you aren't tired, maybe you can stay the night, experiment a bit with us." Mrs. Irwin winked as her husband headed for the door. "Remember, everything is negotiable."

"Okay, I'll remember that." I nodded and Mr. Irwin left the room since his phone began to ring. "You guys have rules... how would you know if I follow them or not?"

"Ashton and I have very... very persuasive ways. We can get you to crack easily if we feel as if you disobeyed us." She smiled sweetly, making me wonder how often she did this or had this kind of conversation. "You won't disobey us, will you Luke?"

"I don't even know your rules." I whispered to her and she nodded.

"Of course not, we're just starting off. I'm not throwing a contract at you if you're iffy on this all. I have a heart." She scoffed and then laughed lightly. "You're tense. Is it because of our newfound situation?"

"Kinda. I'm kinda anxious for tonight." I admitted and she hummed, her finger tracing my jaw.

"We'll go easy on you, but just tonight." She murmured and I bit my bottom lip.

"What if I don't want you to?" I pressed and she rose an eyebrow at me, her honey coloured eyes running up and down my body.

"You're excused from work tomorrow if that's the case." Was all she said as she turned around, walking up to her desk and sitting down by her computer.


"Calum?" I asked into my phone as I followed Mr. and Mrs. Irwin to their car. Instead of Mr. Irwin's black Range Rover, I guess they had taken Mrs. Irwin's white one.

"Yeah?" He asked, the bass of a stereo booming loudly, almost too loudly. I could hardly hear him.

"I'm gonna stay over at a friends tonight. She's sick and uh needs my help." I told him, my heart hammering nervously.

"Like a cold?" He pressed the conversation further and I cleared my throat.

"Okay, maybe she's not sick. She's just drunk and I'm gonna stay over to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." I made up another bullshit lie, and he bought it. He was never good at distinguishing a lie from the truth.

"Alright, you have your keys and shit. Just make sure you get to work on time. Your boss is probably tired of you being late all the time." He joked and I laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, I know. Well uh, I'll see you tomorrow I guess. Have fun at work. Bye." I mumbled and then hung up, shoving my phone in my back pocket as Mr. Irwin held a door open for me. "Thank you sir."

"I think I like the name 'sir' coming from your lips." He hummed and my jaw dropped slightly, my tongue darting out to moisten my dry lips before my teeth bit down roughly on my bottom lip.

"Is it sir? Or is it daddy?" I asked him and he smiled mischeviously, his fingers tapping against the door behind he got into the seat beside me.

"Call me daddy baby boy, I like the ring of it more. But I can dig the title sir." He said before grabbing my jaw and pressing his lips against mine. I wasn't as shocked as I should have been since I've wanted this all day, and I could tell he noticed.

Mommy and Daddy // lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now