chapter three

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I opened a door, biting my bottom lip roughly as I saw the couple sitting down. Mr. Irwin was sitting on a chair, his wife resting on the table with her legs crossed. They looked up immediately when the door opened, and Mrs. Irwin smiled at me.

"I'm here." I announced, closing the door behind me. "I-I want answers, and explanations. I need them. I deserve them."

"Demanding, aren't we now?" Mrs. Irwin teased and I walked up to the two. Her husband smiled, pointing at a seat in front of them.

I went to sit down and he checked his watch, rolling his sleeve up and then looking up at me. "We were starting to think you wouldn't show up." He spoke as I scratched the back of my neck.

"I had to think this over... many... many times." I told them nervously and he nodded. "What's going on?"

"Sign this." Mr. Irwin demanded, handing me a paper and the pen he had been spinning between his fingers. "Regardless of what happens in this room, that is a must."

"What is it?" I asked dumbly as I read over the text. It wasn't much, a short paragraph and a few blank spots for signatures and dates.

"It states thay you agree to not tell anyone about what happens in this room. What we tell you stays classified and between us three only. Kind of like a contract." Mrs. Irwin explained and I took the pen.

"It is a contract." Mr. Irwin confirmed and his wife gave him a stern look.

I filed in the spots and then signed it, clicking the pen back and then leaning into my chair. "What's going on? Why did Mrs. Irwin kiss me today, and why did she say you're okay with it?" I asked immediately and Mrs. Irwin chuckled as he flattened her skirt out.

"I am okay with it, because she has told me about her 'crush' on you." Mr. Irwin informed me and I looked between the both of them as his long fingers curled into quotation marks. "Do you know what polygamy means Luke?"

"Um..." I thought out loud as they both stared intently at me. "Yes?" I was unsure of my answer.

"What does it mean then?"

"Isn't it like... a um... a group of people like... like dating and stuff?" I asked and Mrs. Irwin laughed, making me feel calmer and stupid. I couldn't decide which feeling was bigger however.

"It's when more than two people are together romantically, yes. You're right." She confirmed and I nodded my head. "This is a like a dead giveaway almost. Do you know what the word dominant means?"

"Yeah, it's when someone controls something. Like they're in control. They're dominant." I answered and Mr. Irwin nodded his head.

"Right on the nose."

"I don't understand though... why should I know what these words mean?" I asked them and Mr. Irwin looked at his wife as if he wanted to shoot me. I sunk into my chair and Mrs. Irwin stood up, sitting down closer to me.

"You need to know because my husband and I, we are dominants." She broke it down for me and it all started fitting into place. "We are looking for a submissive, and I must say. I like you Luke. You're cute, honest, and respectful."

"Oh uh, thank you." I blushed a bit and Mr. Irwin chuckled. "But I-I don't know if I'm fit for this kinda stuff. Like this 50 Shades stuff."

"If you think we are anything like Mr. Christian Grey, you're mistaken." Mr. Irwin told me, folding his hands together. "He is a sadist. We are dominants. You can be a dominant without being a sadist. Just as you can be a submissive without being a masochist, a masochist without being a submissive."

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