May the best Pack win

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5 months later...

Luna stood in her fighting stance next her mate Eclipse, while the Pack he had helped her to build stood loyally behind them ready for the battle she had waited for her whole life. This would be the day she finished off the Druid Pack avenging her parents and saving any further problems with the Druid Pack. This would be a day to remember for everyone as the Great War. Luna growled a command to attack and the fighting broke out, everywhere she looked there were wolves dying or dead on the floor, but luckily for Luna there had been no casualties in her Pack yet, even though all of her pack was ok it was still traumatising seeing other wolves dying left, right and centre. Luna walked through the battle field straight up to the Druid Pack alpha and challenged him to a 1 to 1 battle, Eclipse was busy watching Luna's back whilst who Luna guessed was the Alpha's beta was doing the same for him but was being beaten by her daughter Pandora. Luna checked her flank and saw some of the Druid wolves asking to join the Pack because their Pack was evil and they didn't give everyone their own rights. Luna's wolves took them back to the prisoner den and guarded them whilst the battle commenced, Luna stared into the Alpha's eyes and he lunged for her but she avoided his attack and immediately jumped on his back and started clawing at his shoulders eventually causing him to fall then Luna went in for the kill as victory flushed through her veins as she bit down on his neck and continued biting until he stopped fighting back, she heard a crack and his body went limp, at that moment all of the Druid's backed down and gave up as if all hope was lost. Luna walked back to her mate proudly only to find him already behind her pressing his muzzle against her face, he told her everyone was gone and she relaxed. Eclipse had a strange look on her face though and she asked what was wrong, he told her nothing was wrong it was just 3 of their pups had found their mates who were 3/6 druids wanting to join their pack. Luna took this all in and she walked up to her Pack and gathered them all round her. Then she told them how proud she was of them and thanked the rogues for fighting.

7 years later...

Luna woke up to a wonderful spring morning and walked outside to see her Pack all gathered round their Alpha, max, on of the wolves from twilight and sol's second litter, and his wife, Pandora. These are the two leaders of the Moon Pack, their beta is Galaxy and their omega was Star. Luna was gathered round watching her daughter lead the Pack and Atlas take 14 wolves on the hunting trip. Luna had to say goodbye to Commit as he had decided to go on a traveling journey and find his mate. Luna was proud of his bravery but also worried about him coming across rogues, never the less he still left on his journey that evening and Luna watched stars with Eclipse before going to sleep and thinking about Commit all night despite Eclipse's assurance he will be fine...

 Luna was proud of his bravery but also worried about him coming across rogues, never the less he still left on his journey that evening and Luna watched stars with Eclipse before going to sleep and thinking about Commit all night despite Eclipse'...

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