Chapter 41

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The cold ice wall stood tall behind Castle Black. There were a few guards littered along the Castle's walls peering down at the approaching figures. Jamie had only traveled with a dozen men and Brienne a few miles from his army camp. He saw little point in bringing his army to Jon Snow's door, he doubted any use they would have any way.

He led the men behind him, arriving at the old wooden doors of the castle. If you could call it a castle, Jamie thought of it more as a ruin. He'd had greater expectations of the wall from his brother's vivid descriptions, he had been disappointed. The doors began to open, he could feel the men in black's eyes on him and his men. They entered the courtyard warily.

Jamie got down from his horse, followed by Brienne. Jamie looked up to the balconies surrounding the courtyard, he saw a figure appear, who began to walk down the stairs. Jamie soon began to recognise the face of the figure. He was astonished, last time he had seen Jon Snow, he was a boy. He was surprised he had recognised him so easily.

"What do you want Lannister?" A gruff voice greeted him. Jamie raised his head up higher, glancing at him for a moment before he replied. "Lord Commander, it seems I am in need of your assistance". Jamie saw a girl and a boy approaching behind Jon, they stood either side of him staring back at him.

"The Nights Watch are here to mind the wall, not give assistance to Southern causes, I'm afraid you've waisted your time Ser Jamie, or should I say Lord Jamie, I almost forgot of your broken vows to the Kingsguard".

Jamie narrowed his eyes slightly, staring Jon in the face. "It seem it's not a Southern cause I'm here for, I think we both have a common desire for what I'm about to propose" Jamie pressed his lips together looking around the courtyard, before speaking again "and actually my Knighthood was renounced... it seems the King doesn't think a one-handed Knight fits the requirements" Jamie's lips curved into a slight smirk. He could see Brienne look at him in annoyance at his smart comment.

Arya and Rickon stared at Jamie, waiting for Jon's response. "Perhaps we should discuss what you came here for then, Lord Jamie, before you continue on your way." Jamie nodded, following him inside.


Sansa followed the guards who had been sent by Ramsey to collect her. They took her to the main hall where Ramsey was already sat waiting. Ramsey waved the guards away, leaving them both alone. "Sit" Sansa took a seat opposite Ramsey at the table.

She waited for whatever games he wanted to play with her, she examined his motionless body sat across from her. There were a few moments of silence before Ramsey let out a smile, and a short laugh. The suddenness of it cause Sansa to jump slightly, she looked down at her lap, letting him enjoy whatever amusement he was receiving.

"It seems I need to ask you for your forgiveness My Lady" he lowered his head, while still keeping his eyes fixed on hers. "I promised you I would return your brother to you, however it seems my guards were unable to locate the runaway. I wouldn't worry though, he probably hasn't got very far, the snow keeps getting heavier. My guards assure me that they can't imagine he lasted very long in the wilds of the North, do you?".

Sansa thought of Arya and Rickon, she hoped they had reached Castle Black, as long as Ramsey hadn't found them she remained hopeful, it had been weeks since they had escaped. "No, my Lord"

"My thoughts exactly, of course I'll have to think of a way to make it up to you for not bringing your brother back to you" he paused for a moment, examining Sansa's expressions.

"I can't help thinking how abandoned you must feel, I mean your brother left you here, your last living family didn't even try and take you with him" Ramsey walked to Sansa's side, crouching down he continued speaking. "Of course I would be very upset if anyone tried to take you from me Sansa, after all you are my most prized possession." He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. He pulled her closer to him, placing a kiss on her lips. Sansa returned it slightly in an effort to please him.

Ramsey lifted Sansa from her seat, pushing her against the table. Sansa's head rested against the table, his hand gripping her hair holding her down. "I'll never let anyone take you from me, do you understand?" He whispered in her ear. Sansa nodded "yes my Lord".


Sansa was still unable to move, Ramsey continued holding her down on the table. He began lifting her dress, Sansa clutched the edge of the table with her hand, waiting for Ramsey to inflict the familiar sense of pain on her. She heard the unbuckling of his belt knowing what was to come.

Sansa had given up trying to think of things to distract herself. The more she tried to think of other times, the more she thought of what Ramsey was doing to her, she felt as though it was all she knew now. She tried to think of the times she had been happiest, distant memories of her family flooded her head, all washed away by what her home had become now. She tried to think of Jamie, but he seemed an even more distant memory.

Once Ramsey was finished, she felt his grip remove itself from her hair, hearing him buckling his belt. She sat back down in her seat. She hadn't even realised the tears flowing down her cheeks.

Ramsey returned to his seat, Sansa didn't even need to look at him to know that his smile would be plastered across his face.

"You're mine Sansa"


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